Citizens' Climate Lobby  

Hi John,

A new study analyzed how we can best meet the goals scientists have set for reducing America’s carbon pollution. Spoiler alert: A price on carbon is still the most effective climate policy.

Tell Congress a new study shows we need a price on carbon 📝

Email Your Members of Congress
Photo of Spongebob looking cute and soft labeled "The Inflation Reduction Act" on top. On bottom, a photo of buff Spongebob that says "The Inflation Reduction Act with a carbon price"

We need to cut the amount of carbon emissions we’re putting into the atmosphere in half by 2030. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, we’re on our way. But we won't be able to make our goal until 2035 at the earliest, unless we take more action. 

Congress should know about the recent study from The Hamilton Project and the Brookings Institution, which found that a modest carbon fee combined with the IRA and action from the EPA will get us the closest to our goal.

There’s a reason we’ve been advocating for a price on carbon for over a decade now. Take a minute to tell your members of Congress it’s still the most effective climate policy.

With gratitude,

Brett Cease 
Vice President of Programs, Citizens' Climate Lobby

Timely, quick, high-impact monthly actions like this one are helpful in building support for our overall work in Congress.


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