In light of the spread of COVID-19, the DC Board of Elections encourages ALL residents to request an absentee (mail-in) ballot for the June Primary. Voters can request mail-in ballots online HERE, via DCBOE's mobile app, by calling the DCBOE at (202) 727-2525 or (202) 741-5283, faxing (202) 347-2648, mailing or dropping off in person a ballot request form to the DC Board of Elections, 1015 Half Street SE, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20003.
For the June primary election, 20 vote centers will open throughout the District beginning May 22, 2020, and will remain open through June 2, 2020. Social distancing measures will be enforced at all vote centers. All locations will open from 8:30 am until 7 pm, including on Election Day. The usual 144 precincts will NOT open on Election Day.