Yesterday our campaign released an important message from Jason speaking out against the liberal politicians who are propping up China and selling out American jobs in the midst of an unprecedented health and economic crisis.
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Yesterday our campaign released an important message from Jason speaking out against the liberal politicians who are propping up China and selling out American jobs in the midst of an unprecedented health and economic crisis.

Click HERE to watch our new commercial and keep us in the fight!

While Jason and so many other strong conservatives have been putting America first, too many liberal politicians have been putting China first. 

This is unacceptable, John, and that’s why Jason’s running for Senate - he wants to fight for YOU, not China, but he needs your help to amplify his message. 

Would you make a contribution to help us keep our ad on air and reach every corner of Minnesota?

<<< $2OO guarantees our new commercial stays on air for a week >>>

<<< $15O guarantees our new commercial stays on air through this weekend>>>

<<<$1OO guarantees our new commercial stays on air for the rest of this week>>>

<<< $25 will help keep our new commercial on the air>>> 


Jason and I know that your normal way of life has been completely upended, but, there’s one thing that unfortunately remains constant: the Democrats will stop at nothing to attack President Trump and attempt to obstruct his agenda which puts the American people FIRST.

It’s important we expose the Democrats for their true colors before November - can you chip in $25 today to help Jason amplify his message?

Every contribution makes a difference in this fight. We’re counting on dedicated patriots like you who want to join Jason’s fight for a brighter, stronger Minnesota to step up and do their part to send conservative values to Washington.

Thank you, 
Tom (Campaign Manager) 

Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

This message reflects the opinions and representations of Jason Lewis for Senate. You are receiving this email because you signed up as a member of Jason Lewis for Senate's online community. 

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