It is my intention to run a strong grassroots campaign...

Friends -

I have some important news to share, and I wanted you to hear it first and directly from me:

Today, I am announcing my intention to run for re-election to the United States Senate this November. Here's why:

Let me start by telling you what you already know: These are extraordinarily difficult times for our country and the world.

The situation in Gaza is horrific and it’s imperative that we put an immediate end to Netanyahu’s brutal war.

Here at home we are looking at the very real possibility that Donald Trump — the most dangerous president in American history — could become President of the United States once again. And within that reality there is the very real question of whether or not the United States will even continue to function as a democracy.

Our country continues to have unprecedented levels of income and wealth inequality with the billionaire class exercising enormous power over our economic and policy systems. While the very rich become much richer, 60 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, many struggle to put food on the table and we have the highest rate of child poverty of almost any major country on earth.

As we fight to protect a woman’s right to control her own body, one out of four Americans cannot afford to purchase the prescriptions their doctors write, 85 million Americans are uninsured or underinsured and our life expectancy is declining.

And there is the not-so-small matter of a climate emergency that threatens the very habitability of our planet for future generations.

Big stuff.

And the truth is, because of the way people like you have helped to amplify my voice with extraordinary grassroots support and because of my position as Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee I am in a strong position — and am as motivated as ever — to make a difference on these issues and many others.

It is my intention to run a strong grassroots campaign throughout Vermont. But today, I wanted to let you know that I have decided to run again for the Senate and to ask if you could help us reach some modest fundraising goals we need to fund this grassroots campaign.

Please make a $27 donation (or whatever you can afford) to my re-election campaign today. We have some modest fundraising goals to hit in order to fund this effort, so your donation will go a long way toward ensuring we win in November.

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