According to the pandemic experts, we are in the heart of the crisis.
The next few weeks will see a substantial increase in American deaths even as the virus begins to be isolated and lose momentum.
For many families, there will be anguish and a deep sense of loss.
Americans have suffered grievous loss before. The surgeon general cited Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He could have added the battles of Antietam and Gettysburg, the cost of the Normandy campaign, and the Army and Marine losses to the Chinese Communist offensive in Korea in the winter of 1950 to 1951. Americans have suffered losses going all the way back to Gen. George Washington’s long, painful winter at Valley Forge during the American Revolution.
And after each cycle of loss, there has been a rebirth of the American spirit, determination to build a better future, and deep belief that we Americans cannot be defeated or conquered. Instead, we have a compulsion to work toward a bigger, better, more fulfilling life for our children and grandchildren. |