Here are a few of this week's stories from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources:?
See other news releases, Showcasing the DNR stories, photos and other resources at
PHOTO FOLDER: Larger, higher-res versions of some of the images used below, and others, are available in this folder.
 Already completed the online portion of an approved hunter safety course but still need an in-person field day? There are plenty of spots left in two classes this week in Vestaburg, Montcalm County. Get full details, including registration, on each class:
Learn more about hunter safety and other ways to responsibly enjoy our woods and water at
Spring is prime birding time, and upcoming open houses at Michigan?s Wetland Wonders are the perfect opportunity to learn more about the birdwatching hobby, Important Bird Areas and local ecosystems. These open houses are presented in partnership with MI Birds, a public outreach and education program created by Audubon Great Lakes and the DNR.
Be sure to bring your own kayak or canoe for paddling through wetlands and marshes and a bike or good hiking shoes for trails, dress for the weather and enjoy these birding hotspots.
Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area
Despite its small size, tens of thousands of ducks, swans, geese, wading birds, shorebirds, raptors, and songbirds migrate through Nayanquing Point SWA each spring, making it one of Michigan?s premier Wetland Wonders.
Restrooms and light snacks will be provided at the DNR Field Office, and just a half-hour north you can visit Wigwam Bay State Wildlife Area, or join in on the fun at Tawas Point Migration Days if you want to make a day trip out of your visit.
View event details and important information on accessibility.
Questions? Contact Brandy Dybas-Berger at 989-385-0958.
Pointe Mouillee State Game Area
Pte. Mouillee State Game Area is located between two globally recognized Audubon Important Bird Areas: the Detroit River IBA and Lake Erie Western Basin IBA. The state game area is also a recognized IBA and one of Michigan?s premier Wetland Wonders that supports large congregations of waterfowl and waterbirds during winter and migration, as well as supporting vulnerable breeding marsh birds like least bitterns and black terns each summer.
View event details and important information on accessibility.
Questions? Contact? Adam Shook at 734-379-9692.
Harsens Island at St. Clair Flats State Wildlife Area
These 3,355 acres of strictly managed waterfowl habitat are part of the largest freshwater delta in the United States. Mallards are the most prevalent species seen each fall on the managed area, but black ducks, pintails, wood ducks and Canada geese are also observed each year. Along with waterfowl opportunities, St. Clair Flats is an Audubon Important Bird Area for the vulnerable secretive marsh bird populations it supports each summer and is one of Michigan?s premier Wetland Wonders.?
View event details and important information on accessibility.
Questions? Contact Kaitlyn Barnes at 586-719-1111.
MI Birds aims to deepen all Michiganders? engagement in the understanding, care and stewardship of public lands that are important for birds and local communities.
The next meeting of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission ? Thursday, May 9, in Acme ? leads off with a Fisheries Committee agenda that includes an overview of the Michigan Hydro Relicensing Coalition and a discussion on a historic dam removal on the Boardman-Ottaway River.
The meeting also will include a recognition of former Commissioner Carol Rose, land use order amendments, a cormorant management update, the 2023 deer harvest report and deer management survey update, a DNR legislative report and several land transactions.
The meeting starts at 9 a.m. at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa, 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd. Before the meeting, at 8 a.m., the public is invited to enjoy Coffee with the Commissioners, an opportunity to speak with commission members in a less formal setting.
See the draft meeting agenda at For more information about the meeting, email [email protected].
Looking for a fun, friendly learning experience in the outdoors? In case you missed it, the DNR?s Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program is offering four Beyond BOW events this summer at various venues in Washtenaw, Roscommon and Marquette counties.?
The BOW program gives women, 18 and older, an opportunity to improve their outdoors skills in a relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere. In addition to being fun to participate in, the BOW and Beyond BOW classes offer important instruction on numerous outdoor skills, safety and appropriate outdoor clothing attire.?
 See more pictures by Michigan state parks photo ambassadors at For more on the program, call Stephanie Yancer at 989-274-6182. (This photo is by Greg Viau for the Michigan DNR, at Lost Lake in Muskegon State Park in Muskegon County.)