From Rep. John Huot <[email protected]>
Subject Legislative Update- May 6, 2024
Date May 6, 2024 7:24 PM
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Dear Neighbors,

We?re in the home stretch of the 2024 session as we work through long hours and late nights to build stronger communities across the state. We?re passing packages of policy solutions and budget bills to improve affordability and help Minnesotans and their families thrive.?

This week could be historic for Minnesota Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as I present a bill to create the state's first EMS agency. Like many states, Minnesota struggles with EMS, especially in rural areas where response times can exceed an hour. My bill will establish emergency response units in the most challenging areas to improve response times and enable the agency to innovate. Even though the metro area has minimal response time issues, many of my constituents travel and recreate throughout the state, and I want all Minnesotans to have confidence in their first responders when they dial 911.

EMS community

I'm honored to have earned the 2023 Advocate of the Year award from the Minnesota Ambulance Association.


The House continues to debate and pass supplemental budget and policy bills on the floor, covering important issues such as education, labor, housing, the environment, and more. Our work this year builds on last year?s historic successes and works to improve the lives of working and middle class Minnesotans. Recently, the House has passed:?

* A broadly bipartisan bill [ [link removed] ] investing $240 million in our outdoors, clean water, parks and trails, and cultural heritage from the Legacy Amendment fund.?

* A K-12 Education bill [ [link removed] ] that boosts resources for the READ Act to improve literacy, moves forward solutions for student wellbeing, and enhances support for teachers.?

* An Environment and Natural Resources bill [ [link removed] ] with new investments in tree planting, improving air quality, holding repeat polluters accountable, and tackling solid waste and recycling.?

* A Children and Families bill [ [link removed] ] that reforms our child protection system and builds on historic investments in economic support for families, food security, and emergency shelter.?

* A Transportation, Labor, and Housing bill [ [link removed] ] that invests in railroad safety and public transit, enhances worker rights and safety, improves housing stability for renters and seniors, and funds homelessness prevention.?

* A Pensions and Retirement bill [ [link removed] ] passed with bipartisan support, which prioritizes educators? retirement security, improves our pension systems? health, and strengthens the benefits retirees can expect.?


A Workforce and Economic Development bill [ [link removed] ], securing investments for employment and training programs.


A Taxes bill [ [link removed] ] improving the tax system for working class Minnesotans by expanding the Child Tax Credit and creating a direct tax filing system.?


An Elections bill [ [link removed] ] that strengthens our elections for local units of government.

We also approved a bill addressing the ?kidfluencer? industry [ [link removed] ] that safeguards young content creators with protections for safety, fair compensation, and future financial security.?

Budget bills

*Keep in Touch*

Please continue to reach out anytime at [email protected] or 651-296-4306 with input, ideas, or questions. I?m always happy to help.

Enjoy the week!


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