Help fight for housing, healthcare and an economy that works for all

๐Ÿ—“ What's Going On this Week? ๐Ÿ—“

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

๐ŸŒน = Great for First-Timers!


๐ŸŒน Political Revolution in Georgia! ๐ŸŒน

Election day is around the corner on May 21st! Join us for a Campaign Update + GOTV Organizing Call for the campaign to elect Gabriel Sanchez to State House District 42! We'll talk about our campaign progress and strategy as we fight to win housing, healthcare, and an economy that works for the 99%.


๐ŸŽค Sanchez for Georgia Comedy Night ๐ŸŽค

Politics is serious work, but Team Sanchez is trying something different. Join us for a Political Comedy Fundraiser on Saturday, May 11 to raise funds for the Sanchez for Georgia Campaign. Enjoy comedy and light refreshments with comrades and local comedians - while donating for a good cause!


๐ŸŒน Phonebanking and Canvassing for Sanchez! ๐ŸŒน

Early voting in House District 42 is already under way, and we're going all out to elect a socialist to office! Join us every Wednesday for phonebanking or for one (or TWO!) Saturday canvassing shifts with the Gabriel Sanchez Campaign.


Every Saturday, we meet for a morning canvassing shift from 10 AM - 1 PM, with additional shifts from 2 PM - 5 PM and 5 PM - 8 PM.


๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ DSA stands with the Student Solidarity protests
for Palestine ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

DSA stands in unwavering solidarity with the students across Columbia, Yale, NYU, Vanderbilt, Cal Poly, University of Michigan and the dozens of rapidly developing encampments at campuses across the country. The victories of the student movement are incumbent upon the victories and wins of Palestinian student groups, and we pledge to fight alongside them for a free Palestine as they face increasingly unprecedented repression from the state. These wins are a precedent for our movement as a whole, and follow a decades-long tradition of students putting their bodies on the line to stop the ravages of imperialism and the military-industrial complex, such as the movements against the Vietnam War, South African apartheid, and the Iraq War.

Here's how you can support protestors' work locally and beyond:

  • Donate to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund
  • Find your local campus bail fund
  • Follow our Atlanta-area YDSA chapters on social media! @ydsaatgsu, @ydsagt, @ugaydsa, @emoryydsa, @ydsaksu and @ascydsa

๐Ÿ“ Labor Survey ๐Ÿ“

Help us build the labor movement!
We can't build the labor movement without your help! Fill out our 2024 Labor Survey to tell us about yourself, your workplace, and the ways you'd like to help get involved in Labor Committee work. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and all information you enter is confidential.

Atlanta Democraticย Socialists of Americaย -ย

Fighting for the many, not the few