Episode 200 uploaded May 5: To mark this 200 episode milestone we’re sharing a
round-up of excerpts from interviews over the past four years with 20
experts on fascism. If you want to know “what is US fascism in this
century” or “who are the fascists in America” or “where did fascism in
the US come from” – this is your crash course.
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Some of the voices included in this special pod: Jeff Sharlet; Jason Stanley; Michael Coard; Walden Bello; Coco Das; Annika Brockman; Thomas Zimmer; Federico Finchelstein; Andy Zee; Jared Yates Sexton; Henry Giroux; Anthony DiMaggio; Wajahat Ali; Anthea Butler; Bradly Onishi; Dahlia Lithwick; Ruth Ben-Ghiat; Umair Haque.
More people need to find a community that won't lie to you and is willing to look at uncomfortable truths together, struggle together and refuses to accept a fascist America together. This podcast is a very significant resource to spread this understanding and spur action.
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Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402