To me, this is one of the most important causes of our time.
As I write to you, the worst bird flu outbreak in history is sweeping the globe. You may have heard about the avian influenza infecting chicken farms—and now dairy farms, too—across the world. More than 90 million farmed birds in the US have died, with the vast majority being “culled” to stop the spread.
For me, a lightbulb moment was when I learned about the egg industry practice of “chick culling.” About 17 million newborn male chicks are killed every single day—usually by being tossed into a shredder—because they’re useless to the global egg industry. (I had to double-check that number because it’s so high. It’s accurate.)
This avian flu outbreak has been a moment of reckoning for me—similar to when I first learned about chick culling. The cruelty and sheer irresponsibility. The callous disrespect for life.
Enough with the industry euphemisms. It’s time we pull back the curtain and call factory farming what it is. It’s “roasting” animals alive. It’s ripping babies away from their mothers. It’s tossing newborn chicks into a shredder—before they even get a chance at life.
I believe in this organization. I believe in us. And I believe we can be the generation that ends factory farming.
Are you with me?
In solidarity,

Ben Muschol
Matching Donor |