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Just News

for April 8, 2020

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


Today is the last day to submit your comment on the proposed changes to Community Reinvestment Act rules.


Small Businesses Need More From Congress And Agencies In COVID-19 Emergency Funding
The $2 trillion federal stimulus plan enacted late last month to help businesses and individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic is already overwhelmed and falling short. [Read more]

NCRC, Democracy Forward Sue Trump Administration For Withholding Data On Proposed Weakening Of Community Reinvestment Act Protections
Today, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), represented by Democracy Forward, sued the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for failing to locate and produce records and analysis that the Trump Administration relied on for its proposed revisions to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations. [Read more]


Only The 1% Will Survive COVID-19 Pandemic Intact
This virus is going to hurt our most vulnerable populations the most. It will also have significant impacts on the middle class. Only the 1% is going to survive this pandemic intact. [Read more]

A Trillion In Prevention
The United States will withstand the coronavirus, but the public in the wealthiest nation in the world cannot continue to be one crisis away from economic collapse. [Read more]

#AfterThis: A Virtual Hug
Here's something new and different from NCRC to encourage hope, creativity and a Just Economy: #AfterThis is an online festival of ideas and art. [Read more]

Field Notes 

Moment Of Trust: How Healthcare Professionals And Systems Can Advance Health Equity
Health inequities in the United States have seemingly been exacerbated during the recent coronavirus outbreak. [Read more]

Learning From COVID-19 About Community-Led Change
The environment we now find ourselves in is ripe for learning about inclusive community-led change. [Read more]

Spreading Like A Virus: Xenophobia, Racism And COVID-19
When the coronavirus first began to spread widely across the world, anti-Asian sentiments soon began to follow. [Read more]


COVID-19 Hits Black And Hispanic Businesses Hardest Of All
We already know that Black and Hispanic-owned small businesses are severely under-represented in communities, and the COVID-19 pandemic will likely damage these businesses especially hard. [Read more]

The CRA Evaluation Measures Would Allow Banks To Relax Their Retail Lending To LMI Borrowers And Communities
NCRC found that the use of a CRA evaluation measure as proposed by the agencies would likely result in lower percentages of retail loans to borrowers and communities with LMI. [Read more]


NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

NCRC In The News

Will Federal Regulators Gut Community Development Under Cover Of COVID?
With critical protections at risk, community groups including NCRC push for a 6-month moratorium in rulemaking to stave off changes to the Community Reinvestment Act. [Nonprofit Quaterly]

Activists Push For Further Eviction Moratoriums
According to Jesse Van Tol, the CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a blanket national halt to evictions and foreclosures would help policymakers get ahead of any uptick in delinquencies and defaults, preventing the government form “reacting to it and playing catch-up.” [DSNews]

Essay: Amid COVID Crisis, Trump Moves To Quietly Gut Laws Against Racist Lending
The Trump Administration is poised to weaken a civil rights-era law meant to guard against discriminatory lending. [WHYY]

On Our Radar

The Revolution Is Under Way Already
Far from making Americans crave stability, the pandemic underscores how everything is up for grabs. [The Atlantic]

Early Data Shows African Americans Have Contracted And Died of Coronavirus At An Alarming Rate
No, the coronavirus is not an “equalizer.” Black people are being infected and dying at higher rates. Here’s what Milwaukee is doing about it — and why governments need to start releasing data on the race of COVID-19 patients. [ProPublica]

Big Banks Took 'Free Money’ In 2008. They’re Turning Their Backs Now On Small Businesses, SBA Official Says
“What they are saying is ‘I don’t give ... a hoot about the small businesses,’ " one SBA district director said in a candid call with business owners. [Washington Post]
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