Jen Psaki: [Trump is] running for President to stay out of prison… We all know what he did.

Friend – If you agree that Trump is a DANGER to our democracy, add your name to support the fight to CONVICT TRUMP >>

Donald Trump in court


Response missing!

[1] Truth‑tellers like Jen Psaki have been WARNING us – Donald Trump is guilty of inciting an insurrection, attempting to overturn an election, and much more.

[2] But Trump is still pleading not guilty to every charge! He’s desperate to DODGE accountability and STEAL the White House from President Biden.

President Biden vs Donald Trump

[3] If we lock Trump up, his revenge campaign will be RUINED – and we’ll defend our democracy from his downright dangerous crimes!

But with Trump’s first criminal trial underway, we’re counting on your IMMEDIATE response.
Click here to sign your name >>


Time is running out!

Thank you for your activism, Friend.

Blue Wave America

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After Democrats historic victories in 2020 and 2022, we know that there’s no such thing as a red district or a red county.

To save and expand our Congressional majorities, Democrats in red districts need to be shown that their vote counts!

That’s why we’re using our expert staff or organizers to invest in flipping rural seats blue. Our cutting-edge programs work to turn out Democrats and build on the progressive agenda we've fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

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