The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is organizing around an agenda to expand democracy to all people and end the crisis of death by poverty and low-wealth, which kills 295,000 people each year. We are crying loudly that somebody is hurting our people, and we won’t be silent anymore. “This is a crisis moment for our democracy. In order for our nation not to continue down the path of autocracy, Congress must lead, by bringing forward comprehensive legislation to restore the child tax credit and raise the minimum wage. The media must do more, by covering the experiences of people struggling to get by, not just the words and whims of the wealthy and powerful. And the White House must treat poverty like the crisis it is, if this administration is serious about saving our democracy. We all must act, and that is what June 29th is all about.” - Roz Pelles, Senior Strategic Advisor to the Poor People’s Campaign
Our votes are not a show of support but are our demands! We demand a 3rd Reconstruction in this country and on June 29th at 10am we will once again return to Pennsylvania Ave and 3rd Street NW in Washington, DC for the Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls to ensure that our elected leaders in Washington hear us clearly. We Demand:
Abolishing poverty as the 4th leading cause of death in the US
A living minimum wage of at least $15 +/hour (indexed for inflation)
No more voter suppression
Guaranteed workers’ rights and labor rights
Healthcare for all
Affordable, adequate housing
Strong social welfare and safety net programs
An end to gun violence, profit and proliferation
Fully protected women’s rights
Environmental justice that secures clean air and water
Fully funded public education
Just immigration laws
Addressing militarism and the war economy
Standing for peace, not war. Calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza that allows immediate humanitarian relief, a release of all hostages, peace and justice to be pursued, and an end to genocide around the world.
An end to hate, division, and the extremist political agenda
Justice for all indigenous nations
John, we’re counting on you! Will you bring yourself and your community to DC on June 29th?

“It does not stand to reason – morally, economically, or politically – that in the richest nation in the history of the world, 800 people die every day from poverty and low wealth!” - Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II. When one-third of the U.S. electorate is comprised of poor and low-wage people, we must be that movement that arrests the attention of the politicians and call on the nation to mobilize on June 29th to launch an intensive four-month effort to reach 15 million poor and low-wage infrequent voters ahead of this year’s general election. “We are a resurrection of the unheard voices in this democracy, not an insurrection. After years of historic union drives and grassroots organizing, we are demonstrating our power at the polls in 2024. We will elect leaders with the courage to abolish poverty, raise wages, safeguard voting rights, and meet the basic needs of struggling families.” - Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
John, RSVP today to join this historic assembly of poor and impacted people, clergy, and our advocates!
Forward together,
Washington DC Poor People’s Campaign
Follow us on social media: Instagram: @dcpoorpeoplescampaign, Facebook: DCMoralRevival, X (formerly Twitter): @WashingtonDCPPC
Help us get to Washington, DC by making a donation
ICYMI: C-SPAN 4.29.24, “Campaign 2024: Poor People’s Campaign Holds News Conference”