
May 6, 2024

Dear John:


On Friday, I was in Sandstone, Minnesota, to join the House Natural Resources Committee's hearing: How Many Wolves Are Enough? Examining the Need to Delist the Gray Wolf


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The gray wolf population has recovered to the point where the animal has become a menace across northern Minnesota, and it is time to remove it from the Endangered Species list. The only reason it has not been delisted yet is because there are a handful of activist groups and judges that would like to keep it listed forever. Rather than pushing for radical environmental activism, Congress should turn management and conservation efforts back to the states. I cosponsored the Trust the Science Act to do just that, and I am proud to say this legislation has now passed in the House. I encourage you to reach out to your Senators so it can be brought up in the Upper Chamber and the wolf can be delisted once and for all.


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Supporting Mining in Minnesota

The domestic production of key minerals is vital for both our national security and our economy, and the American people should be trusted to be good stewards of the land. But the Biden Administration has implemented a number of regulations that are tying the American people's hands behind their backs and hurting the country. For example, the administration's policies have effectively barred the new extraction of minerals, including copper, nickel, and cobalt. Meanwhile, China and our adversaries are bolstering their capabilities.

The Superior National Forest Restoration Act would reverse that course, unlocking access to these minerals and helping the United States meet the worldwide rise in demand, rather than allowing China, which has almost no environmental or labor regulations, fill that space.

This bill does not reduce any environmental protections. It does not permit mining activities in the Boundary Waters Canoe area or its surrounding buffer zone. It simply tells the Secretary of the Interior to do their job and complete the necessary environmental and regulatory reviews. I am proud to support this legislation that reinforces the fact that Republicans are for American jobs, economic security, supply chain security, and responsible conservation.


You can watch my full remarks in support of the bill here.

Letting Trump Tax Cuts Expire is Irresponsible

When Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen testified before the House Ways and Means Committee, I asked her what the Administration's plan was for the Trump tax cuts that are set to expire this year. I was disappointed to hear there is no plan. I don't think they appreciate the fact that these tax cuts have helped a lot of people and letting them expire is going to have a real impact on so many American citizens. House Republicans have a plan and it's time to see it through. The Senate needs to take up the Ways and Means Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act before some of the Trump-era tax provisions expire.


You can watch my full line of questioning here.

Thanks for visiting!


Thank you to the MN VFW leadership for coming to my office and sharing your concerns with me, especially surrounding veteran mental health.


Envoy came out to discuss my bipartisan Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act. Nice talking with you!


It was great seeing my friends from Minnesota Soybean Growers! Minnesota plants about 7.5 MILLION acres of soybeans every year and the 7th District is 3rd in the nation for soybeans harvested by acre.


The National Association of Secondary School Principals met with me during their fly-in. Thanks for coming by!


95% of banks in Minnesota are members of the Minnesota Bankers Association and I was glad to meet with them while they were in D.C. for their annual conference.


Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. And, if you think any of your friends or family would be interested in these updates, feel free to forward this along. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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