1. Bag your trash.
Two weeks ago, Groot asked all residents using regular trash cans to begin bagging their trash.
If you use your own trash can, you must bag your trash, tie the bags, and put them in the trash can. In many cases, haulers collecting trash cans must touch the can in order to toss the garbage into the truck. If a hauler sees loose garbage in your trash can, they will not touch the can.

If you use a Groot-issued toter cart, nothing has changed. Place your trash in your toter cart as usual. Haulers will collect your trash using the mechanical arm on the garbage truck, as usual.
2. No bulk items. No recycling outside the cart. 
Until further notice, waste haulers will not collect bulk items, electronics, construction debris, or appliances. Haulers will not collect any recycling that is left outside of your recycling cart.
Haulers will not return to collect any trash that is missed or not put at the curb on time.
3. If you're sick, put recyclables in the trash.
if you or someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, or is exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19, including couch, fever, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, bag your recyclables and place them in your trash/refuse cart. Continue this practice until symptoms subside.
If there are no signs of COVID-19 in your household, continue to place your loose recyclables in your recycle cart.
4. TV Recycling is also postponed.
The TV recycling event originally scheduled for this month has also been postponed. A new date will be announced in the future based on guidance from the CDC and state and local health authorities.
5. Bagged yard waste is still happening. 
Bagged yard waste collection will continue unless additional announcements are made. Yard waste must go in a Kraft paper yard waste bag and get a sticker. Yard waste bags must weigh less than 50 lbs. and cannot contain dirt or woodchips.