We have ONLY 7 DAYS left to collect enough petitions to place our next state representative, David Arreola, on the ballot! If you haven't signed a petition yet, download, print, and complete one right now. After filling out your petition, please mail it to PO Box 357423 Gainesville, FL 32635.


While we can afford to pay the qualifying fee, we would much rather continue spending your generous contributions on the proven voter mobilization tactics that win elections. As a campaign funded by small donations, we're always pinching pennies - for you!

So we have to ask: Can you please complete and send us a petition today? Our amazing team of organizers has been working hard for months to reach our goal of 1266 petitions, but we desperately need your help in this final stretch!


With the deadline for turning in petitions arriving on May 13th we're counting on you to make our vision for a truly grassroots campaign reality. Let's get the job done!

See you on the campaign trail, 


Team David

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