From Virginia Christian Alliance <[email protected]>
Subject Current NEWS from Virginia Christian Alliance for 05/06/2024
Date May 6, 2024 12:02 PM
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** Are You Prepared to Hold Fast to Your Decision to Follow Christ? ([link removed])
By The Washington Stand on May 06, 2024 05:32 am

[link removed] Holliday | The Washington Stand At the 2024 March for the Martyrs, held in Washington, D.C. in honor of persecuted Christians, a unique perspective...

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** Backlash growing against Biden plans to import tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees ([link removed])
By Leo Hohmann on May 06, 2024 05:20 am

[link removed] backlash is growing against Democrat plans to import tens of thousands of Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating Gazans into American cities and towns as so-called refugees. A...

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** Book of Daniel: Yet-Future Prophecies ([link removed])
By Lamb and Lion Ministries on May 05, 2024 03:21 pm

[link removed] prophecies in the book of Daniel are awaiting future fulfillment? Find out with hosts Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, and Dave Bowen on the television...

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** The Two-Minute Warning : By Jan Markell ([link removed])
By Terry James on May 05, 2024 03:05 pm

[link removed] you ever been betrayed? Maybe you have more than once. Maybe many times. I bet you find it hard to trust anyone now. You see,...

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** Recent Articles:
** ALERT! Protect Your Rights: Monday, May 6th, Pandemic Preparedness Meeting ([link removed])
** Soros Funds The Protests And The Protested ([link removed])
** Can the Current Universities Be Saved? Should They Be? ([link removed])
** ‘Darkness Doesn’t Stand a Chance’: A Great Multitude Takes Part in 2024 National Day of Prayer ([link removed])
** The Book of Revelation: Chapters 4-5 ([link removed]

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“America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” - Ronald Reagan

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