The story about the origins of COVID was a lie.


The Government Gangsters in the Deep State rely on lies to stay in power.

Russia Gate was a lie.

The story about the origins of COVID was a lie.

The cover of the Hunter Biden laptop story was a lie.

The J6 committee’s narrative about an “insurrection” was a lie.

The Deep State’s lies were repeated by the propaganda press to the American people to force us off the search for the truth, intimidating anyone who would dare to reveal the truth.

Now, thanks to a few brave whistleblowers, Americans are becoming aware of the vast corruption campaigns carried out by Deep State operatives.

But those heroes need your help to stand up to the Government Gangsters who wish to silence them.

That’s why I created The Kash Foundation. We offer legal and financial help to whistleblowers, veterans, and America-First patriots, like some of the families of January 6th prisoners and those being unfairly prosecuted by the Deep State.

This is your chance to take a stand against the Deep State and fight for your fellow patriots. Just click here and show your support for the Kash Foundation today. >>>

Have you ever been unfairly targeted just because you told the truth?

If you have, then you know what these brave whistleblowers are going through. If you haven’t, then let us tell you what it’s like. 

I know firsthand about the corruption in our system. During Russia Gate, I saw the Government Gangsters interfere with our democratically elected government. The Deep State even illegally spied on me while I was tasked with running the investigation into Russia collusion. They did not want the truth to come out.

The Kash Foundation has helped whistleblowers:

Kyle Seraphin, Steve Friend, Garrett O’Boyle, and Marcus Allen all helped expose the weaponization of the FBI for political purposes.

You can help us encourage more whistleblowers to expose Deep State corruption. Our goal is to raise $20,000 before the end of the week to take on the Deep State. Please support the Kash Foundation’s mission by donating today.

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2024 will be a critical year, and we must stop the Deep State. 

Thank you,

Kash Patel


The Kash Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are tax-deductible.

15 E Market St #6103
Leesburg, VA 20178
