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Monday, May 6th, 2024

The Heroic Anti-War Students

Lew Rockwell

Public Schools and the State’s Omnipotent Bayonet

George F. Smith

The Youth Are Precious

John Leo Keenan

Free Speech and Plain Language

Albert Jay Nock

‘Anti-Semitism’ vs. Free Speech

Donald Jeffries

BRICS Should Be Ready for Dollar Collapse – Russian IMF rep

RT News

US National Plan on ‘Responsible Business Conduct’

Helena Glass

The United States-Ukraine Security Pact Is Lipstick on a Bloody Defeat for NATO

Finian Cunningham

The Keys To Trusting Your Gut

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Georgia Accuses Washington of Trying to Overthrow the Country in Order To Open a Second Front against Russia

Paul Craig Roberts

Medical Expert: Covid Vax Killed More Americans Than Vietnam

Tucker Carlson

Call for the Resignation of Pope Francis


Political Theatre

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