And what a week it's been
Hi Friend,

Let me introduce myself: My name is Michael Nyenhuis and I am your new UNICEF USA President and CEO.

I just started last week and, as I'm sure you can imagine, it's an extraordinary time to join. Like you, I am shell-shocked by this crisis and I hope that you and your family are staying safe. And then there's our work together: In the midst of fighting global poverty, protecting children in a massive refugee crisis and combating preventable diseases, we were hit with the global COVID-19 pandemic.

As anyone would be, I am daunted by the work ahead, but I am also hopeful — because of you. Already, more than 4,713 donors have jumped into action to protect children and families around the world, even as this crisis touches closer to home than any other in recent history. Being a part of such a compassionate and powerful community is exactly why I was drawn to this role in the first place.

So now that I'm here, working remotely with the rest of the UNICEF USA staff, you might ask: What's next?

With the help of supporters like you, UNICEF is rushing medical, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) supplies to the places that need them most, from refugee camps to vulnerable communities with poor sanitation infrastructure. Plus, we have ramped up our work here in the U.S., providing information and resources for local communities' and families' COVID-19 response.

However, we cannot lose ground on important health and education initiatives during this time. Our mission, as always, is not just to ensure children survive — we must help them thrive.

Friend, we have an incredible opportunity and ability to do just that, if we come together. That's why I am so grateful for your ongoing support of our work and for standing with us at this uncertain time. We need your partnership now more than ever.

Let's get to work,

Michael J. Nyenhuis
President and CEO
for every child
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