From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Good news on safer Zoom meetings, and a new Webinar
Date April 8, 2020 6:51 PM
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Dear John,

The last thing I wanted to do is send another email as so many of us are preparing for Passover or Easter. But this one is important for all of you setting up virtual Seders and other gatherings over Zoom &mdash; I want you to be aware of Zoombombing and other hazards, so you can spend safe, quality time with your family and friends in the new order of social distancing.

We have some good news.

Since we first began talking with Zoom about our concerns, they have been responsive to the very real threats that have materialized on their service. The newly announced safety features will benefit all users, and we are particularly grateful that Zoom improved the product just in time for Passover when the Jewish community will be holding virtual Seders and when people of other faiths and traditions will be connecting online for their holiday observances. There&rsquo;s more to do, but this is a solid start.

What&rsquo;s New

Zoom has rapidly rolled out enhancements to help meeting hosts to easily manage secure meetings. Each host will now have a Security icon in their controls that combines all of Zoom&rsquo;s in-meeting security features so you can quickly lock a meeting, enable a Waiting Room and take other steps to keep the meeting safe if issues arise. They have announced a 90-day push to launch additional safety, privacy, and security steps. You can read
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ADL&rsquo;s new update on Zoom security and preventing Zoombombing here.

Breaking News on the Next Fighting Hate from Home Webinar

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Please plan to join us next Tuesday, April 14 at 2:30 PM ET/11:30 AM PT when we will be hosting a webinar on these new security measures and how you can use them for your meetings and gatherings. We will be joined by a technical advisor from Zoom, who will provide an inside look at the security challenges sparked by this new era of staying connected while sheltering in place. Zoom will also join ADL&rsquo;s security experts in sharing the latest tips and tactics for keeping the trolls and extremists out of your meetings.

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&ldquo;Preventing Zoombombing and Using New Zoom Tools for Safer Meetings&rdquo;

Tuesday, April 14

2:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM CT / 12:30 MT / 11:30 AM PT

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Join the Webinar

You can send questions to our experts in the webinar&rsquo;s chat tool.

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Please sign up now and join us this coming Tuesday. This webinar will be recorded; all registrants will be emailed a link to the recording to re-watch and share.

Fighting Hate from Home Highlights

On the April 7 webinar on
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&ldquo;Zoombombing and other threats to your videoconferencing,&rdquo; we heard insightful explanations of the security gaps that trolls and extremists are using from ADL&rsquo;s George Selim, SVP of Programs, and Oren Segal, VP, ADL Center on Extremism, along with SCN&rsquo;s Michael Masters, National Director and CEO, Dena Weiss, Chief of Staff and Brad Orsini, Senior National Security Advisor. To watch and share the webinar,
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go to our Fighting Hate from Home playlist on YouTube.

Here are resources and links referenced in the webinar that you may find useful:

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How to Prevent Zoombombing (ADL blog)
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SCN Video Conferencing Best Practices
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SCN Zoom Set-Up How-To&rsquo;s (from the webinar)
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What&rsquo;s Zoombombing and who is behind it? (ADL blog)
- Contact the SCN Duty Desk:
mailto:[email protected]
[email protected] or 844-SCN-DESK
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Report an Antisemitic or Discriminatory Incident to ADL: If you or someone you know has been harassed on Zoom or otherwise, report it.
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Sign Up for the Next Webinar

We wish healthy and happy holidays to you and your families.

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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