Official Newsletter

Chaos on Campus

Right now, campuses across America are being overrun by violent antisemitic riots. Universities should have put an end to the protests, but instead they waited. They waited until they became out of control cesspools of hatred.

America has faced many threats in its lifetime, both internal and external. But radicalized brainwashed students have raised the Palestinian flag on campuses and chanted “Death to America.” The liberal universities have shown their true colors.

But make no mistake, America does not negotiate with terrorists, and we won’t negotiate with terrorist sympathizers either. Every student deserves to be able to study and attend classes free from threats and discrimination. Our office is taking swift action to cut funding for universities that allow antisemitism. 

Our letter to the Secretary of the Department of Education

We stand in support of the Jewish community. Our letter highlights our concerns regarding the ongoing antisemitic violence and harassment on college campuses.

In our letter, we urge the Department of Education to create a rule requiring all federally funded colleges and universities to create a reporting system for instances of antisemitic bias and discrimination on campuses to ensure that all cases are handled. Additionally, we call for a monitoring system to ensure compliance. Non-compliant institutions should absolutely face termination of federal financial assistance if they enable antisemitism.

Read the letter here.

Additionally, this week, we voted ‘Yes’ on H.R.6090, the Antisemitism Awareness Act. This bill provides statutory authority for the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights to consider the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA's) working definition of antisemitism when investigating discrimination complaints in federally funded programs or activities. It sends a clear message that antisemitism has no place in the United States. 

Last month we joined OLAMI in a press conference to support a Zero Tolerance regulation aimed for transparency and accountability, with federal funding at risk for non-compliant universities.

You can watch the full press conference here.

The Dog Lovers' Caucus

We've joined Reps. Jared Moskowitz, and Susan Wild to establish the Congressional Dog Lovers Caucus. This bipartisan initiative aims to protect the rights and well-being of dogs, promoting legislation that ensures our pets receive proper care and respect. Regardless of political affiliations, we recognize the special bond between humans and our pets. As avid dog lovers, we're committed to finding common ground in Congress to advocate for our beloved furry friends.

It made the news! Check it out here.

Are your neighbors aware of everything our team is doing in DC and in the district? Be sure to share our newsletter with them! They can sign up for it by visiting Mace.House.Gov or by clicking here.

We Introduced the Increased Accountability for Nonconsensual Pornography Act of 2024

This week, we introduced the Increased Accountability for Nonconsensual Pornography Act of 2024, aimed at deterring the rise of nonconsensual pornography. You can read our press release here. This legislation proposes to increase penalties for perpetrators, significantly raising the stakes from $150,000 to $500,000 to deter future instances of such egregious behavior.

Our continued efforts for women and victims rights include introducing bills like the Sue VOYEURS Act, the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, the Stop VOYEURS Act of 2024, and the Protect Victims of Digital Exploitation and Manipulation Act of 2024.

To learn more about what we’ve done, visit Mace.House.Gov/VictimsRights.

Rep. Nancy Mace In the News

Rep. Mace joins ‘The Dales Report’:

During our interview on the Dales Report, we discussed the significance of the DEA's potential reclassification of marijuana, highlighting how it represents a major victory for advocates of safe legalization. We talked about our longstanding support for responsible cannabis legislation. We’ve introduced initiatives like the States Reform Act, which would help in safely deregulating the marijuana industry. We also praised state representatives and fellow congress members who advocate for this much needed change.

Rep. Mace joins Fox Friends First:

We emphasized the urgency of addressing violent antisemitic riots on college campuses. We called for defunding universities that tolerate such behavior and discussed the reversal of Biden's student loan forgiveness policies in response to these violent riots. It is imperative that students feel safe on their campus, in order to do that, we must combat antisemitism.

Rep Mace joins 'Making Money with Charles Payne':

We addressed the concerning rise of violence on college campuses under the Biden administration. But we also discussed the “Stop the Invasion Act”, a bill that we cosponsored to put an end to the crisis at the southern border. Additionally, we shared our offices’ efforts to create more job opportunities through our bipartisan ACCESS Act. Finally, we spoke about our work with Congressman Ro Khanna.

DEA’s Plan to Reclassify Marijuana

We support the DEA's proposed reclassification of marijuana. We’ve introduced the States Reform Act, which allows states to shape cannabis regulations tailored to their unique needs. Descheduling marijuana is key to protecting states' rights and fostering responsible cannabis use. Through bipartisan efforts at both state and federal levels, such as our collaboration with State Senator Tom Davis in South Carolina, we champion policies that prioritize public health and safety while respecting the widespread support for medical cannabis, research and innovation.

Demanding the Data

Despite White House’s claims otherwise, less than one percent of illegal aliens have been removed through immigration court proceedings. ICE's restricted ability to conduct arrests and removals, coupled with additional relief measures like Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure, are ruining our communities and threatening American lives.

The recent DHS report indicates that as of January 2018, 11.4 million illegal aliens resided in the U.S. Yet, since January 2021, the Southern border crisis has escalated dramatically, with over 7.6 million illegal aliens encountered at the border. With more than 4.7 million released into our country and over 1.8 million 'got-aways,' totaling at least 6.5 million illegal entries since this administration took office, the situation demands urgent attention. 

Our office remains committed to holding the government's feet to the fire to secure the border. See the full letter courtesy of Rep. Chip Roy.

2024 Commencement Speech at The Citadel

Rep. Nancy Mace delivered the 2024 commencement address at The Citadel on Saturday, highlighting how far women have come while inspiring graduates to break barriers in their own lives.

The speech marked exactly 25 years since she became the first woman to graduate from The Citadel manga cum laude with a degree in business.

A quick highlight:

"I want to take a brief moment to talk to the female cadets graduating today, because one day, 25 years ago, I made history as one," Mace said. "As women, we hear a great deal about glass ceilings. But glass is meant to be broken. So, shatter it to pieces."

See the full speech here.

Our Votes This Week

H.Res.1112 - Denouncing the Biden administration's immigration policies, Agreed

We voted 'Yes' on this resolution because of the failures of the Biden administration in border security, which have led to the current crisis. By failing to enforce border security measures, terminating asylum cooperative agreements, and releasing criminal aliens into American communities, including here in the Lowcountry, the administration has endangered public safety. The resolution calls for the reversal of these open-borders policies and urges the administration to implement measures to address the border crisis and prioritize the safety of Americans.

H.R.3738 - Veterans Economic Opportunity and Transition Administration Act, Passed

We voted 'Yes' on this bill because it establishes the Veterans Economic Opportunity and Transition Administration, tasked with administering various assistance programs for veterans, their dependents, and survivors, including vocational rehabilitation, educational assistance, housing loans, and the Transition Assistance Program. In the Lowcountry, this bill will provide veterans with enhanced access to economic opportunities, educational resources, and housing assistance. 

H.R.4016 - Veteran Fraud Reimbursement Act, Passed

We voted 'Yes' on this piece of legislation because it streamlines the process for veterans to receive reissued benefits if they've been misused by a fiduciary. It removes delays by allowing benefits to be reissued even if there's an ongoing investigation into the VA's negligence. This means veterans in South Carolina and the United States will see quicker resolution and access to their benefits, reducing financial strain and ensuring they receive the support they deserve.

H.R.1767 - Student Veteran Benefit Restoration Act, Passed

Our office voted 'Yes' on this bill because it protects veterans from having their VA educational benefits deducted for courses that couldn't be completed due to institutional misconduct or closure. It also ensures that educational institutions agree to repay the VA for any benefits if they're found to have engaged in fraud. This bill provides our veterans in the Lowcountry with greater assurance that they won't lose their benefits due to circumstances beyond their control. 

H.R.529 - Extending Limits of U.S. Customs Waters Act, Passed

We cosponsored this bill and voted ‘Yes’.The bill extends the customs waters territory of the United States to include the territorial sea and contiguous zone, as defined by international law. By doing so, it enhances the ability of U.S. authorities to enforce customs and immigration laws, as well as protect national security interests in these expanded maritime areas.

H.R.4824 - Carbon Sequestration Collaboration Act, Passed

Our office voted ‘Yes’ on this bill because it supports expanding the Department of Energy's efforts to research and develop carbon capture storage. This aligns with our goal to conserve the Lowcountry, protect our waters, and preserve the beauty of our district.

H.R.4877 - Abandoned Well Remediation Research and Development Act, Passed

We voted ‘Yes’ on this piece of legislation because it establishes a program to address abandoned oil and gas wells by improving data collection, enhancing remediation efforts, and exploring alternative uses. This bill helps mitigate methane emissions and prevents potential environmental contamination. Ultimately, safeguarding our land, air, and water resources.

H.R.6093 - Weather Act Reauthorization Act of 2023, Passed

Our office voted ‘Yes’ on this bill. This bill reauthorizes, revises, and establishes various programs aimed at enhancing initiatives to improve radar accuracy, forecast weather in underserved areas, and predict coastal flooding.Given South Carolina's vulnerability to hurricanes and coastal floods during hurricane season, we felt it was key to vote ‘Yes’ on this bill. It will bring more accuracy and timely predictions of severe weather events happening nationwide.

H.R.3397 - WEST Act of 2023, Passed

We voted 'Yes' on this bill because it halts the Bureau of Land Management's proposed rule on conservation and landscape health, preventing its finalization and enforcement. This legislation ensures that decisions regarding conservation efforts remain at the local level rather than being dictated by federal overreach. For the Lowcountry, where values often align with small government and local autonomy, this bill reflects a commitment to preserving local control over environmental policies. 

H.R.615 - Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act of 2023, Passed

Our office voted 'Yes' on this bill because it prevents the Departments of Interior and Agriculture from regulating or prohibiting the use of lead ammunition or tackle on federal land or water designated for hunting or fishing. This legislation ensures that hunters and anglers retain their freedom to choose their preferred materials without federal interference. In the Lowcountry, we prioritize less freedom over regulation, and this vote reinforces that principle.

H.R.764 - Trust the Science Act, Passed

We voted 'No' on this bill because it directs the Department of the Interior to remove protections for the gray wolf under the Endangered Species Act, essentially taking away safeguards for this species. Our office prioritizes animal welfare, as evidenced by our legislative initiatives like the PAAW Act, the Puppy Protection Act of 2023, and efforts to address harmful animal testing. With a track record of cosponsoring and introducing bills aimed at safeguarding animals, we will continue to stand firm on this stance. Unfortunately, this bill passed.

H.R.3195 - Superior National Forest Restoration Act, Passed

We voted 'Yes' on this bill because it rescinds Public Land Order No. 7917, which barred mining operations on specified Forest Service lands in Minnesota. Our decision to vote 'Yes' aligns with our belief in promoting economic opportunities while ensuring responsible land use and conservation. This bill recognizes the benefits that mining activities may bring to local communities while still prioritizing the conservation of our National Parks and natural resources.

H.R.6285 - Alaska’s Right to Produce Act of 2023, Passed

Our office voted 'Yes' on this bill because it facilitates oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), nullifying any presidential or Department of the Interior actions that would pause leasing in ANWR's 1002 Area. The bill aims to expedite energy exploration and production in the region. This vote aligns with our commitment to unleashing American energy resources and safeguarding energy independence by limiting federal government regulations.

H.R.2925 - Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2024, Passed

We voted 'No' on this bill because it grants access to public lands for mining activities regardless of their potential environmental impact or the absence of mineral resources. While we acknowledge the significance of mining for economic development, we believe it must be balanced with conservation efforts to ensure long-term sustainability. 

Yours in Service,

Congresswoman Nancy Mace

Need Help with a Federal Agency? Call us today.

If you or someone you know ever needs assistance with a federal agency, we are just a phone call away and are ready to help you! Please contact my Beaufort Office at (843) 521-2530, my Mount Pleasant Office at (843) 352-7572. You can also file a case online here. I am honored to have the opportunity to represent you.

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