Dear New Yorkers,  

Staring up at the hulking David N. Dinkins Municipal Building at 1 Centre Street – the century-old edifice where New Yorkers have kept the gears turning for generations – it’s worth remembering what’s going on inside. I’m perpetually proud of the important work happening here, and have tremendous gratitude for our staff of over 700 civil servants: New Yorkers who work on behalf of their fellow New Yorkers.  

Every day, workers across more than 16 bureaus ensure that the City’s bills are paid, we’re connected with New York’s diverse communities, agencies are run effectively, public money is well-managed, retirees have financial security (including our work to ensure they’re not forced onto inferior Medicare Advantage health plans), infrastructure projects are financed, workers aren’t cheated out of fair pay, and SO much more. 

Here’s some of what we’ve been working on lately: 

  • On behalf of the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS), we filed an exempt solicitation urging BlackRock shareholders to “VOTE NO” against the board election of Saudi Aramco CEO Amin H. Nasser. Nasser is head of one of the biggest oil companies in the world and has been an advocate for the expansion of fossil fuels. He once called decarbonization “a fantasy.” Appointing him as BlackRock's new board director would pose EXTREME conflicts of interest.

  • We debuted a new video series highlighting employees in the Comptroller’s Office—showing you who makes our work possible and how our office works. This week, we tagged along with Shachi, who has overseen compliance in our Bureau of Asset management for several years. She explains what “compliance” is all about. 

  • Now taking submissions! Do you know an organization that provides essential services to LGBTQIA+ New Yorkers? Register your group, club, or organization for the Comptroller’s 2024 LGBTQIA+ Directory. You'll included in the most comprehensive guide for LGBTQIA+ resources in NYC. 
Last year's guide.
  • Did you know that in New York City, there is not a single public library left that is open 7 days a week anymore? When it comes to our City budget, we cannot be penny-wise and pound-foolish by cutting critical programs that people rely on. I talked to CNBC about how everyday New Yorkers will bear the brunt of these cuts.

More soon, 


New York City Comptroller's Office
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