Tina for Oregon

Today is May 5th, John, which means we officially have just six months until the general election on November 5th. 

There’s a lot riding on the results of November’s election — from the makeup of the Oregon legislature, to our statewide electeds, to who controls Congress — all the way to the Presidency. 

We have a lot to do in the next six months to get out the vote for worthy candidates here in Oregon and across the country who need our support, and Tina is committed to doing what she can. 

But six months is not a lot of time — so we’ll have to hit the ground running to make the biggest impact on Election Day. 

Can we count on you to chip in $6 to power our work over the next six months for the 2024 elections?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Tina may not be on the ballot this year, but that doesn’t mean our work to elect great candidates stops. 


Team Tina