Fellow conservative,

Over the last three years, Joe Biden’s open border policies have resulted in tens of millions of illegal aliens flocking to our country. At the same time, Biden has insisted there was NOTHING he could do to stop the invasion.

Don’t be fooled by this, fellow conservative. This is all part of the Left’s Master Plan.


Why WOULDN’T they want to come to the United States?

Joe Biden is giving them:


Illegal immigrants are allowed to crash our hospitals… our schools… our welfare system…

All of this while YOU foot the bill, not just monetarily, but also with an increase in crime. 

Fellow conservative, you and I both know this was all done by design. Why else would Joe Biden oppose H.R. 2, the most robust border security package ever assembled that already passed the House?

It’s time for Congress to get serious, secure our border, build the wall, and end catch-and-release. 

But it all starts with hardworking Americans like you and me standing up and fighting back against this dangerous agenda.

Rush a donation NOW to help Heritage Action stop President Joe Biden’s Master Plan and fight for TRUE border security >>>


Thank you,

Ryan Walker

Executive Vice President

Heritage Action

Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002
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