Dems can defeat a right-wing extremist this year.

Katrina Shankland
Katrina Shankland

Cook Political Report suggests Katrina Shankland’s challenge against extreme right-wing Congressman Derrick Van Orden in Wisconsin’s 3rd District is one of the few competitive races that could put the House majority back in Democrats’ hands in November.

Van Orden is a right-wing, anti-choice, Trump-supporting Republican in a purple district whose "penchant for controversy gives Democrats an opportunity to beat him this year."

Katrina is a former PCCC staffer and bold economic populist who consistently wins a rural purple district. Right-wing corporate interests are attacking the PCCC and progressive Congressman Mark Pocan for endorsing Katrina!

Can you chip in to Katrina Shankland’s campaign to put this swing district – and possibly the whole House of Representatives – back in Democratic hands?

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COOK POLITICAL REPORT: "Freshman GOP Rep. Derrick Van Orden — the only sitting member of Congress to march on the Capitol on Jan. 6 — flipped this seat last cycle in a closer race than anticipated, and seems to be doing everything in his power to keep himself vulnerable in 2024…"

"Last summer, he was caught yelling obscenities at a group of high school Senate pages taking selfies in the Capitol rotunda. A few months later, he interrupted a White House briefing to curse at administration officials and a Democratic lawmaker. During Biden’s State of the Union address, he yelled “lies” at one point when the president criticized Trump. And back in 2021, Van Orden was accused of threatening a 17-year-old library worker over a LGBTQ+ book display."

Cook continues about Katrina:

"Katrina Shankland has served the state assembly for over a decade. When she won her first term at age 27, she was the youngest member of the Wisconsin state legislature, and in recent election cycles she’s had fairly competitive general election races. She’s been endorsed by a slew of local elected officials and labor unions along with Congressman Mark Pocan, so far the only member of the Wisconsin delegation to take sides in this primary."

Katrina has been the only elected Democrat in central rural Wisconsin for years because she fights for working families and challenges powerful interests. It’s time to send her to Washington D.C.

Donate here to Katrina Shankland’s campaign to DEFEAT right-wing extremist Derrick Van Orden and put a swing seat back in the Democratic column.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

– The PCCC Elections Team






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