From LBR HQ <[email protected]>
Subject Keep the momentum, team!
Date May 5, 2024 12:07 PM
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Can you believe it, team? Only six months separate us from Election Day.

There's no time to waste. We need every ounce of support we can muster to send Lisa Blunt Rochester to the Senate and make history on November 5th. Can you rush a contribution right now to power her campaign? [[link removed]?] 👇

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In six months, Delawareans will have a choice to make. It will be one between a dark brand of Extreme Republican politics that threatens our democracy, or one that believes our best days are still ahead of us.

After accomplishing so much for our state while serving as Congresswoman, Lisa is ready to take her fight for reproductive freedom, voting rights, and common sense gun reform to the Senate.

And we're FIRED UP to elect the first woman and person of color to the Senate in Delaware's history!

But still, Black women only raise one-third of what their white counterparts do. It's a shame, but that only means that we have to work three-times as hard – something we've already proven we can do.

These next six months will fly by like that 🫰and we need to continue investing in our programs to energize and turn out every last Democrat on Election Day. Will you chip in $10 to support Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate? [[link removed]]

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In 2022, Mitch McConnell's personally-aligned Super PAC spent a record-breaking $205 million on Senate Races. And that number is likely to increase in 2024!
Help us make history by sending Lisa Blunt Rochester to the Senate!
Chip in a one time contribution >> [[link removed]]
Chip in a recurring contribution >> [[link removed]]
Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate
PO BOX 9767
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States [[link removed]] | [email protected] [[email protected]]
Paid for by Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate
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