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In an interview with TIME, Trump made it clear a second term would be defined by vengeance, autocracy, and cruelty


We talk about the stakes of this year’s election -- a lot -- because we know what a second Trump term would mean for our country and our democracy. We know because we’ve already lived through one term, and because Trump is telling us point blank that if he gets another four years he will be even more ruthless and power-hungry.

A few days ago, TIME released an interview with Trump outlining what he would do if he won in November.1 You can read the full interview linked below, but here’s just some of what Trump has planned: 

  • Allowing Republican state officials to monitor pregnant people and punish those who obtain abortions
  • Deploying the U.S. military within our communities to round up migrants into detention camps and carry out mass deportations of millions of our neighbors
  • Weaponizing the Department of Justice and firing U.S. Attorneys who refuse to prosecute people on his orders
  • Pardoning the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on January 6th
  • Purging federal agencies of professional civil servants and replacing them with MAGA acolytes who deny the 2020 election results

A second Trump term would be defined by vengeance, autoracy, and cruelty -- and his agenda would be carried out more methodically than in his first term. Since 2017, Trump has been working to dismantle any institution, norm, or check that might prevent him from imposing his agenda. He’s cleared out any would-be dissenters in his party. He’s stacked the Supreme Court with MAGA appointees. Now, his allies have a plan in hand -- Project 2025 -- to remake the presidency and give Trump unprecedented, unilateral powers. 

Despite the dark and very real possibility of a MAGA win this November, we’re still hopeful. Why? Because we have a plan of our own -- Project 2024: Majority Over MAGA. We have the right strategy, the volunteers, and the tools to beat Trump, but our strategy will only work if we have the funding to pull it off. So, today we’re asking you to chip in to help fuel the grassroots organizing that defeated Trump in 2020 and can do it again in November.

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The threat Trump poses today is different than before -- he’s more dangerous, vengeful, and prepared -- but we’re different too. Most of us were surprised by his win in 2016. Now, we don’t take anything for granted. Many of us wondered what we could’ve done differently to prevent him from winning in the first place. Now, we know exactly what it takes to defeat him: 

🎯 We have the right targets. We’re honing in on disaffected voters across multiple battleground states and districts -- the same folks who decided the 2016 and 2020 elections. 

📣 We have the right messaging. These voters care about democracy and abortion. It’s up to us to point out the threat MAGA poses on these issues, the impacts their policies would have on people’s lives, and paint a stark contrast with the better future we can deliver. 

🧰 We have the best tools (and volunteers to use them!). We’re providing our volunteers with the best voter contact tools around including phonebanks, direct-to-voter texting, postcards, and our ground-breaking Neighbor2Neighbor tool that’s twice as effective as traditional canvassing. 

But in order for this strategy to work, we also need the funding. The number of voters our volunteers can reach will depend on the funding we can put behind our grassroots organizing. If you’re able to pitch in today and you’re committed to defeating MAGA in November, click here to help fund the grassroots organizing that will make it happen.

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In all honesty, we didn’t need the TIME interview to remind us of the stakes this year. We already knew. But it’s up to us to make sure voters know too. 

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team


[1] Cortellessa, Eric. 2024. “How Far Would Trump Go.” TIME, April 30, 2024.

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Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide. Read more about the formation of our PAC here.

Grassroots donations, not foundations or large gifts, are our single largest source of funding. That means we’re accountable to, and fueled by, Indivisibles on the ground. Chip in $7 or whatever you can to keep fueling our movement. 

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