Your Intentions, Nine Holy Masses, May 5-13

Dear Friend,
During the first
day of our Novena, you and I can reflect on the First Secret
of Fatima, when Our Lady showed the shepherd children a vision of
hell. There, she taught us which weapons to use to avoid the eternal
Why is Our Lady
Are you experiencing the same
scenario that I am where the question above is asked multiple times
within your sphere of influence? If so, let’s embrace this opportunity
Allow me to share that to answer
this question, I find leaning on a reflection from Cardinal Burke
helpful where he depicts the relationship between Our Lord and Our
Lady when Jesus performed His first miracle at the Wedding at Cana.
Let’s recall Our Lady’s words, “Do whatever he tells you.” These
insightful syllables communicate not only her maternal care for her
children in need, but they also intimate her sublime intercessory
power. She is unmistakably the mediator between God and man, the
channel of graces which gush forth from Our Lord’s just, yet merciful
To see the continuity of
instruction and intercessory prayer from our Heavenly Mother, fast
forward to 1917 where she came to earth with an urgent message for us.
With the supplication to “Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices
for sinners…”, Our Lady asked us to make reparation for outrages,
sacrileges, and indifference which greatly offend the Sacred Heart of
Our Lord, and to pray for peace in the world.
Our Lady gently but gravely reminds
us of the truth that as the world cracks beneath the weight of
secularism and impurity, so many souls fall like snowflakes into the
eternal depths of hell because no one is praying and no one is making
sacrifices for them.
If you haven’t had a chance to submit
your intentions or would like to update them, for the Nine Holy
Masses, from May 5-13, please do so now.
Over these nine days, you and I
‘with confidence’ will plead for the conversion of sinners and peace
in the world while grasping at the essence of Our Lady’s requests
during her apparitions. As we come together in our pleading, we will
unveil the mystery of the Three Secrets of Fatima so that we and our
loved ones can successfully overcome and defeat Satan along with our
vices in this spiritually decrepit culture.
The Message of Fatima was not
intended only for the people of 1917. It is still pressingly relevant
for you and me today. Along with storming Heaven during our daily
Rosary, let’s rise up and fly to the patronage of Our Lady of Fatima
with this Novena!
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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