We are building a Green movement, join us


What an incredible set of results - Greens have won a total of 184 local election contests!


I have just spent all Saturday at a nail-biting count in Stroud, where Greens finished with 22 Councillors and as the largest group (the last contest winning by just two votes!).

Ranging from exciting breakthroughs (a first Green on a council) to massive expansions in Green groups across the country, these great results really do reflect how hard we have all worked in the past months.

We are now over 800 Councillors across England and Wales - councillors committed to making a real difference to their communities.


All the Councillors in the Bristol Central Constituency are now Green as are the majority in Mid Suffolk  - paving the way for success in two of our targets in the General Election.

And now, communities in Newcastle, Redditch and Sefton now have a Green listening to them and representing them on their Council.


In London, we did incredibily well with the change to a first past the post voting system for the mayoral election, and reelecting our fantastic three assembly members.

There's so many more success stories, so here is the full set of results.

As we've already mentioned, Greens are campaigning in more places than ever before, and it's vital we continue to build our movement. It's time for you to join us and build our movement together.

Thanks for your support, John. 💚
Daniella Radice
Local Elections Manager
The Green Party


P.S. Once you've joined us. Share all the positive stories of our wins, and encourage the people you know to join us and get involved. Remember to include the link to our page - https://join.greenparty.org.uk/


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ