Dear John,

Ok, I get it. Democracy isn’t the most exciting subject. And fundraising emails can be a pain But, there’s a good reason I’m sending you this message…if we don’t get organised now, the UK could soon find itself trapped in a hell designed by Nigel Farage.

Sounds crazy, right? But we all said voting to leave the EU in 2016 would be crazy. And Trump getting elected US President. And Boris Johnson ever becoming Prime Minister. The list goes on! We live in a world where crazy has become the everyday.

The chilling truth is this: We need the expected Labour government to take determined steps to fix our democracy during their first term. If they don’t, we might all be living an authoritarian nightmare by 2030.

Far-right backers of Farage, Rees Mogg, Truss, Braverman and others like them know that our democracy is in a decrepit state. They know it can be manipulated to ensure their puppets win. They have told us that they expect Labour’s first term to be a failure and they are preparing to strike when it falls. (Steve Bannon told us so in his interview with Harry Cole last week.)

They want democracy to stay broken. We want to fix it!


All the smart money is on Nigel Farage announcing a return to frontline politics in the coming weeks. That’s ‘Step One’ of his plan to be the next Prime Minister after Keir Starmer.

We need to stop him in his tracks. We need to stop our country’s slide towards anti-EU authoritarianism. And the best way to do that is with a functioning democracy.

Farage’s Brexit has already done enough damage to our country. Imagine what things would be like with him in Number 10!

We launched this crowdfunder because we can see the coming danger and because we have a plan to stop it. The success of our plan depends on us hitting the ground running when we get a new Labour government. This crowdfunder will help us do precisely that. It will help us bring our influence to bear ahead of the election and in Labour’s crucial first 100 days. It will help us get ‘fixing democracy’ further up the public’s agenda.

Speaking plainly, I need you to donate to our Crowdfunder. The thought of Farage getting anywhere near Number 10 is a horrifying one. Remember: He can only get there by abusing a dysfunctional democratic system. If we fix our broken democracy now, we can save ourselves from that nightmare.

If you haven’t done so already, please consider chipping in to our crowdfunder today.


Thank you VERY much for your continued support.

All the best,

Mark Kieran

CEO, Open Britain