Food service workers whip up millions of Grab & Go meals during pandemic

The coronavirus crisis has forced school districts of all sizes to come to grips with the food insecurity their students face.

Custodians on the front lines of COVID-19 crisis

“I get it. People are scared,” said San Diego City College's Robert Wilmer. “Every time there’s a crisis the question comes up, ‘What are the custodians doing to protect us?’ We have our protocols and we follow them.”

Health clerk looks back on early signs of pandemic

For months, health clerk Cathy Pierce said, she and other school district staff heard about the coronavirus “like everyone else — bits of news and gossip.”

More members sign up for Summer Assistance Program

“I was excited about the program. It’s a no-brainer,” said Molly Lavilla, president of AFT Local 3484 in Merced’s Weaver Union School District, one of the AFT locals newly signed up to participate in the Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program.

Nearly 300 classified employees have become teachers

The CFT co-sponsored legislation that created a statewide program to help classified employees earn a teaching credential. The highly lauded program to address California’s critical teacher shortage has put more qualified teachers into classrooms and created a more diverse workforce.


COVID-19 Union Toolkit for educators and staff

In this unprecedented time of the coronavirus outbreak, the CFT is working with the governor and state education officials to find the best path forward for members, students and communities. Find the resources you need at work and home in our Union Toolkit.

CFT bills close part-time loophole, create housing

When the Legislature returns,  the focus will surely be on the pandemic and its effect on the state budget. Before the pandemic struck, CFT put forward several bills for classified staff.

Never a better time to celebrate classified employees!

Classified School Employees Week is coming up! During the week of May 17-23, celebrate your work — especially now on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. Thank you staff and classified employees for all that you do for our schools, colleges, students and communities!

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CFT, A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals
Jeffery M. Freitas, President
Luukia Smith, Secretary-Treasurer
L. Lacy Barnes, Senior Vice President

Please send comments and letters to the editor.
Classified Insider, Spring 2020 | Volume 10, Number 2


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