Hey John,
The 2020 Census is in full swing and we’re making sure we have all hands on deck so everyone gets counted.
Around 45% of people have already responded to the 2020 Census nationwide, so we wanted to do a quick check and make sure our members are getting counted before the August 14th deadline. Let us know if you have or have not taken the census. If you have completed the census, please tell us about your experience.
The census aims to count every single person in the nation, and that count affects how American communities share money and power. The number of people counted determines things like how much housing and food assistance the federal government gives to your state, and how many representatives your state gets in Congress. During a crisis like coronavirus, census data are used to determine how much emergency funding the federal government sends to your state.
Will you take a quick minute to share if you or someone in your household completed the 2020 census?
As we fight for what our communities need right now, we can hold our power by filling out the 2020 Census and encouraging our friends, family and loved ones to do the same.
Until justice is real,
Jenni, Arisha, Sabrina, Drew, Charles, Scott, Daniel, Tammi, Cristel, Alexandra, and the rest of the Color Of Change team
Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.
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