The Lincoln Project



You know that I never shy away from a fight when it comes to Donald Trump, the MAGA horde, right-wing haters, or defending the truth. Taking the fight to the people trying to destroy American democracy is what we live and breathe.

A little more than a year ago, Stuart Stevens, Joe Trippi, and I decided that we needed to slay another dragon: the right’s massive, toxic media machine. So, we launched Resolute Square, a growing community of creators, thinkers, strategists, and activists with one mission: to defend democracy when the old media models fail.



At Resolute Square, we’re taking the fight beyond the ballot box to where the autocrats are winning–the media landscape of America. We’re growing into a powerful media voice dedicated to crushing the enemies of democracy like Ben Shapiro, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, OANN, Fox News, and on and on. 

In the past year, we launched podcasts, including my own The Enemies List, Joe Trippi’s That Trippi Show, and the Strategy Session streaming show with me, Stuart, and Joe every Tuesday at 7 PM ET

We’ve become a platform to amplify the voices of democracy heroes like Simon Rosenberg, Jennifer Mercieca, David Pepper, Gevin Reynolds, Teri Kanefield, and Juliet Jeske, host of Decoding Fox News.

The MAGA media has been playing by different rules. Their alternative facts have become America’s reality. They lie because they know they can get away with it. We took on Trump and defeated him. Now, we have to take on the MAGA media. Will you join us at Resolute Square?



The right-wing chaos in the media and in Congress has a calculated purpose: to get people who love and support democracy and their fellow Americans to tune everything out and stop participating in civic life, especially voting. When Americans stay home on Election Day, we lose, and they win. 

Resolute Square’s launch video describes its ambitious goal >>

We can’t depend on mainstream media to warn America of a second Trump term. They’re worried about being ‘fair and objective instead of warning America of the risks of a second Trump term. That’s why the work of Resolute Square is so important.

Resolute Square is focused on the truth and facts by creating and publishing pro-democracy content, articles, podcasts, shows, and social media campaigns. These efforts aim to re-engage uninformed and undecided voters and, give them optimism for our country’s future—and speak truth to the lies spread by right-wing media. Together, as a community, we can take action and ensure Donald Trump will never again darken the door of the Oval Office. 

Subscribe and start reading, join us for Strategy Session every Tuesday at 7pm ET, subscribe to our podcasts, and start sharing these voices right away. It can never be too soon to start welcoming the disengaged into our community of democracy defenders, but it can become too late.

We will not let a corrupt minority steal what it means to be an American. Sign up, dig in, and join the fight with Resolute Square. 




The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy.
To learn more about The Lincoln Project, go to


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