COURIER is fighting back and we need your help to protect our democracy.



John – America is stuck in a dangerous information crisis. 

Fox News. Tucker Carlson. Donald Trump. It seems like their sole mission is to spread lies, bigotry, and division to millions. 

As the 2024 election approaches, we urgently need credible and fact-based journalism to correct the record and stop the spread of bad information before it starts. 

Here at COURIER, we’re fighting back by building the largest left-leaning network of local newsrooms in America. 

But to go toe to toe with the likes of Fox News, we need your help. Right now, we’re working to raise the resources we need to power our newsrooms and ramp up our fight against bad information. So we’re asking: will you chip in $15 now?

On cable news, social media, and even the dark web, right-wing bad actors keep doubling down on propaganda and lies — weakening our democracy in the process. 

Without viable alternatives, millions of Americans have found themselves trapped in an echo chamber of bad information and fake news.  

That’s where we come in. 

At COURIER, we counter bad information by reporting factual, relevant local news stories, delivered directly to those who need it most.

We already have local newsrooms in ten battleground states staffed by real journalists who live in the communities we serve, and we’re ready to expand our network to provide good information and news to the communities in need the most. 

To do that, we need your help to spread the word about the great reporting published by our talented team of journalists every day. We know that the best antidote to disinformation is good information, and that’s what our newsrooms take pride in delivering across the country. 

Now here’s where you come in. We’re only able to offer free, accessible local news because grassroots supporters like you chip in what they can when they can. 

We’re planning on expanding our network of newsrooms to take on powerful right-wing misinformation engines like Fox News, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump. But our work wouldn’t be possible without your support.

So, John, can you chip in $15 today so we can continue to fight against dangerous misinformation?

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