WOW: Rachel Maddow just EVISCERATED Donald Trump ↙↙↙

Donald Trump screaming
“Trump’s Failed Coup Puts Him In The Same Category As Confederate Traitors”
- Rachel Maddow

Do you agree that January 6th was a coup against the United States?

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NO >>

**Answer is due by 11:59 PM. Failure to respond will result in an automatic “NO” response**

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow just released a BOMBSHELL report detailing Trump’s involvement in the January 6th riots. 

She even declared January 6th a coup against the United States government and called for Donald Trump to be arrested!

But Republicans will do anything to cover up Trump’s role in the insurrection, and we need to make sure Democrats are not falling for their ridiculous lies.

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NO >>
Thank you for your response.

Democratic Power Project

MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Show, January, 12th 2021

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