I’d like to introduce you to two candidates who need our help as they fight to become members of Congress.

Dear friend -

In these very tough political times I hope we all remember, and take pride in, the extraordinary progress we’ve made in electing a record-breaking number of progressives to the U.S. House of Representatives. Today, there are almost 100 members of the House Progressive Caucus. These are the leaders fighting for Medicare for All, workers’ rights, a just foreign policy, environmental sanity, and a world free of bigotry.

Our job in this campaign is not only to defend our incumbent friends who are under attack, but to expand our numbers by electing new members.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to two candidates who need our help as they fight to become members of Congress.

John Morse is running in Maryland's 3rd Congressional District.

John has dedicated his career fighting for flight attendants and other airline workers. He is standing up for a sustainable economy that is focused on everyday people, not the corporate special interests or the billionaire class. John, like me, is an Independent who will caucus with the Democrats. He has been endorsed by a number of labor unions including the United Auto Workers union, the Association of Flight Attendants, the Communication Workers of America union and others.

Unfortunately, the AIPAC Super PAC has already spent almost $2.5 million in this race supporting another candidate and hoping to defeat John.

AIPAC and other groups rely on right-wing billionaires in order to influence primary races and defeat progressives. They spend unlimited amounts of money to undermine our democracy, mislead voters, and maintain the status quo. When we talk about billionaires buying candidates and elections, this is exactly what we are talking about and what is happening in John's race.

The second candidate is Susheela Jayapal running for Congress in Oregon's 3rd Congressional District.

Yes, Susheela Jayapal is Pramila's older sister, but for many years has been an outstanding progressive leader in her own right. From early in her career she has stood with working families as she advocated for workers rights, fought to strengthen support for immigrant and refugee communities, and took on big polluters.

Like John's race, there has been more than $1 million in outside spending supporting another candidate in this race.

Both John and Susheela need our support if they are going to win their primaries. Both will be important progressive members of the House that you can be proud of.

Please use this link to split a $27 contribution between John Morse and Susheela Jayapal's campaigns for Congress. Both have primaries happening later this month and need our help today if they are going to overcome outside spending and win.

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