Dear John,

There's something I want to tell you today.

Many people like you often tell me they feel powerless against the mighty decision-makers.

Every day, unborn babies face injustices under the banner of women's rights, parents' rights are violated as their children face indoctrination and sexualization from schools to TV, and Christian beliefs are increasingly attacked by the radical left and their globalist agenda.

“How can I raise my small and solitary voice against so much shame?” you may wonder.

I believe the answer is in these lines I write to you today.

Because at CitizenGO, we carry the voice of millions of citizens who feel defenseless to the international bodies where these issues are decided.

And have no doubt. We fight to defend the values YOU believe in, and millions of people around the world like you.

This month, we brought your voice directly to the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, making sure that the issues you are most concerned about, were heard where it matters most.

Our dedicated campaigners from around the world delivered powerful statements to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, advocating vigorously for the protection and promotion of our fundamental values.

Here are some key interventions we made on your behalf: 

Watch the highlights of CitizenGO’s interventions at the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council

Challenging the WHO on their recent transgender guidelines for young people:

Caroline Farrow represented us in expressing our profound concerns over the World Health Organization’s shift from evidence-based medical practice to a focus on gender ideology. 

Their latest initiative to establish guidelines for transgender health has raised severe concerns about the transparency and scientific foundation of these guidelines, undermining scientific principles and jeopardizing child health. 

We stood firm in urging the WHO to prioritize children’s well-being over ideological agendas.

Addressing the menacing threats of the WHO Pandemic Treaty:

The proposed Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations by the WHO could severely impact fundamental freedoms, reminiscent of the restrictions experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

If ratified at the upcoming World Health Assembly on the 27th May 2024, we could very soon see a global overreach by the WHO in our daily lives.

I voiced our staunch opposition to the Pandemic Treaty at the Council, emphasizing the need to safeguard free speech and personal freedoms, which are cornerstones of democratic societies.

Supporting Farmers against restrictive EU policies and Agenda 2030:

In response to the recent protests by farmers across Europe against restrictive EU policies and Agenda 2030, Scott Schittl called on the UN to protect their rights and acknowledge their plight. The well-being of our farmers is critical to the sustainability of our communities worldwide.

Defending Digital Privacy: 

With the rise of Digital ID initiatives, George Christensen reaffirmed our commitment to defending privacy rights in the digital age. 

We stand against any overreach that threatens individual autonomy and will keep fighting to protect personal data from globalist agendas.

Looking Forward

This year, more than ever, our cherished values are being put to the test as we face battles on multiple fronts against a rising globalist agenda that seeks to reshape the very fabric of society. 

As these powerful forces attempt to dilute the importance of evidence-based practices and erode individual liberties under the guise of progress, CitizenGO stands as a xxxxxx, defending our values and ensuring that our voices are heard and respected in these critical debates.

Your support is instrumental in these efforts, enabling us to speak boldly and effectively on behalf of the millions who share our values.

As we move forward with the huge challenges that lie ahead, your involvement remains key to our initiatives. 

Whether it’s signing a petition, participating in a campaign, or spreading the word, every action you take makes a profound impact. 

Together, we are not just a voice, but a force—a force that brings about change and upholds the dignity of life, family, and freedom.

Thank you for being an integral part of the CitizenGO community.

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S. Your engagement is vital as we carry forward the momentum from our recent interventions at the UN Human Rights Council. Join us in our upcoming campaigns to continue defending the values of life, family, and freedom. Together, we can ensure that our voices are not only heard but lead to meaningful change worldwide.