Saturday, May 4, 2024

■ The Week in Review

'Racist POS' Mike Collins Cheers Video of Ole Miss Mob Attack on Black Student

"This is not about Israel, Palestine, or Gaza. This is old-fashioned American racism and misogyny," said one observer. "These are the types of young white men who will grow up to be Republican governors, senators, and members of Congress."

By Brett Wilkins • May 3, 2024

Israel Briefs US on Plan for 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Rafah

"A military invasion in Rafah would be CATASTROPHIC... There can be no more 'evacuations.' There is no safe place to go," said Oxfam, calling for an immediate cease-fire.

By Brett Wilkins • May 3, 2024

'Absurd!': US Billionaires Pay Lower Tax Rate Than Working Class for First Time

"It's time to tax the billionaires," economist Gabriel Zucman argues in a new analysis.

By Jake Johnson • May 3, 2024

ICC Condemns Efforts to 'Intimidate' the Court as Netanyahu Arrest Warrant Looms

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and GOP lawmakers in the U.S. have threatened to retaliate against the court if it issues arrest warrants for officials in Israel's government.

By Jake Johnson • May 3, 2024

Corporate Profiteering Schemes That Drive Inflation Detailed at Senate Hearing

"At every turn, companies are cutting corners on the path to record profits, and American consumers are paying the price," one expert testified.

By Brett Wilkins • May 2, 2024

Nearly All 600,000 Kids in Rafah 'Injured, Sick, Malnourished,' Says UNICEF

A full-scale Israeli assault on the crowded southern Gaza city "would bring catastrophe on top of catastrophe for children."

By Jessica Corbett • May 2, 2024

Biden Condemned for Ahistorical and 'Politically Suicidal' Attack on Campus Protests

"Biden's claim that 'dissent must never lead to disorder' defies American history, from the Boston Tea Party to the tactics that civil rights activists, Vietnam War protesters, and anti-apartheid activists used to confront injustice."

By Jake Johnson • May 2, 2024

'Tragic and Unjust': Trump Judges Grant Biden DOJ Request to Toss Youth Climate Case

"We will keep fighting for climate justice," said one plaintiff, "but this is another dark day for protecting young people from climate harm imposed by their government."

By Jake Johnson • May 2, 2024

57 House Dems Call On Biden to Prevent Israeli Assault on Rafah

"An offensive invasion into Rafah by Israel in the upcoming days is wholly unacceptable."

By Jessica Corbett • May 1, 2024

Jewish Groups Decry House Passage of Bill Defining Criticism of Israel as 'Antisemitism'

"Antisemitism is a serious problem, but codifying a legal definition could have dangerous implications for free speech," said one campaigner.

By Brett Wilkins • May 1, 2024

Israeli Finance Minister Denounced for Calling for 'Total Annihilation' of Gaza

"But… did he say it on a college campus? Otherwise, it's just not news. Sorry, them's the rules," said one journalist sardonically.

By Julia Conley • May 1, 2024

Pro-Genocide Mob Attacks Nonviolent Encampment, Beats Students at UCLA

Encampment organizers called the assault "nothing less than a horrifying, despicable act of terror."

By Jake Johnson • May 1, 2024

Ilhan Omar Says GOP Calls to Put Student Protesters on Terror Watch List 'Insanely Dangerous'

Sen. Marsha Blackburn put "a target" on protesters across the country with her latest attack on them, said Omar.

By Julia Conley • Apr 30, 2024

'Scathing Indictment' of Big Oil Lies Unveiled on Eve of Senate Hearing

The report details a "campaign of deception, disinformation, and doublespeak waged using dark money, phony front groups, false economics, and relentless exertion of political influence."

By Jessica Corbett • Apr 30, 2024



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■ Opinion

Opposed to Genocide in Gaza, This Is the Conscience of a Nation Speaking Through Your Kids

This is about a genocide being carried out with American money and with American weapons against a people that has been living under occupation for generation after generation after generation.

By Rashid Khalidi • May 3, 2024

Antisemitism: The Big Lie Smearing Campus Protesters

The people who make, report, and teach history should take note: it has never been kind to those who spread Big Lies. This time will be no different.

By Richard Eskow • May 2, 2024

Breaking Down AOC Derangement Syndrome

Relentlessly tearing down one of our most effective leaders undermines the capacity for progressives to win. And win we must.

By Aaron Regunberg • May 2, 2024

The Biden Administration's Hypocrisy on College Protests Must End

While the White House is quick to condemn any allegation of antisemitism at protests, whether verified or manufactured, it has repeatedly failed to condemn verified incidents of anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia on college campuses.

By Edward Ahmed Mitchell,Shafiquil Mushna • May 1, 2024

The Supreme Court Justices Colluding With Trump to 'Catch and Kill' Insurrection Case

There’s a reason the right-wing justices are eager to support Trump’s senseless arguments on presidential immunity.

By Mitchell Zimmerman • Apr 30, 2024

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