May 4 2024
Can the Current Universities Be Saved? Should They Be?
By Victor Davis Hanson

Entire generations are now suffering from prolonged adolescence as they drag out college to consume their early and mid-20s.
5 Ways Congress Can Clamp Down on Antisemitic Riots on College Campuses
By Lindsey Burke, Connor Semelsberger

Congress should use its oversight powers to investigate who is funding these anti-Israel campus protests, which seem to enjoy sophisticated levels of coordination.
Biden to Give Health Care to Dreamers
By Virginia Allen

“Democrats always intended to provide unlawful amnesty recipients with taxpayer-subsidized Obamacare benefits.”
Pentagon Says It Can’t Calculate Diversity Training Costs Because Congress Defunded DEI Offices
By Micaela Burrow

Congress mandated that the Pentagon report how much the military spent on diversity training, salaries for DEI administrators, and any effects on recruiting and retention.
Here’s a Breakdown of Arrests of Pro-Hamas Activists at 33 Schools Over 2 Weeks
By Joshua Arnold

College campuses this week escalated efforts to root out pro-Hamas, anti-Israel occupations, with police making arrests on nine different campuses.
Public School Psychologist Charged With Obstructing Traffic in Anti-Israel Protest
By Tony Kinnett

When police arrived, they asked the protesters to leave the roadway multiple times. When they didn’t move, officers arrested the 14 obstructers, who began to sing as officers pulled them off the street.
ICYMI: EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Leaders Call on DOJ’s Kristen Clarke to Resign Following Daily Signal Report
By Mary Margaret Olohan

“The American people have lost trust in your ability to lead the Civil Rights Division,” reads the letter signed by leaders of conservative organizations to Kristen Clarke.

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