Bernie suspended his campaign... what now?

Hi y'all,

This is not an email I wanted to send. As I'm sure you've found out, Bernie suspended his presidential campaign this morning. For many of us, myself included, this is heartbreaking and frustrating. With everything going on, Bernie and his fierce commitment to Medicare for All gave me a lot of hope.

I am angry. I am so sad. I am furious, y'all. Watching the Democratic establishment band together in dark rooms and behind closed doors to make Biden (or what's left of him) the "viable candidate" made my blood boil. But I still have hope. Because we worked our asses off together to win in Colorado. And we won!

Not Me. Us.

We have made it transparently clear that when we fight together, we WIN. As Bernie has said from the beginning, this was never about Bernie. It is and has always been about each and every one of us deciding that the status quo is not enough, that a better world is possible and that is incumbent upon each of us take action and build it.

And lemme tell you, we are building it. Medicare for All is more popular now than ever, and that's because of each and every one of you. According to a poll conducted at the end of March (in the middle of this Coronavirus crisis no less), the majority of registered voters supported universal healthcare. Workers are striking across the country, and winning BIG. Amazon workers, Instacart workers, Target workers, McDonald's, Trader Joe's even smaller local stores like Mom's Organic in Philadelphia. A democratic socialist vision for a better world is made more possible every day.

Not Me. Us.

We are not alone. Our fight continues, and the stakes are higher than ever. Do not let fear and sadness take hold, not yet.  

Denver DSA is working harder than ever to win material changes for the working class in the Denver metro area. We need you. Our COVID19 response has the potential to radically transform the way we care for each other in Denver. We are fighting to cancel rent in Denver and beyond, we are fighting to help workers apply for unemployment and navigate unsafe work environments, we are fighting to make Paid Family and Medical Leave happen in Colorado. We will accomplish these things, just like we won big for Bernie in Colorado, but we cannot do it alone. Whether you're been deeply involved in our chapter's work or if you've never attended a meeting in your life, this moment demands a radical recommitment to this work. Even if you've never been active before, this is YOUR moment to join us and take action.

We're having one hour orientation calls tomorrow and Sunday to get people plugged into Denver DSA's COVID19 Response work. We'll connect you directly to the work being done across the chapter's committees, and help you take part. Sign up below and prove to the Democratic establishment and the rest of this nation that our movement does not stop, our purpose is not forgotten, and we are not silenced.

April 9, 7pm:      April 12, 2pm:

Passover begins today. As one of your resident Jewish Latinas, I want to take this moment to remind you that the fight for liberation is never ending. We have always been and will always be the ones who free ourselves; liberation will never be given to us. An often used phrase in the Jewish faith is l'dor va'dor-- which is understood to mean from generation to generation, from strength to strength. Each of us plays a role in what the next world will be. We are creating and sustaining a new world every day, one where justice and freedom reign. Today and always, I'm honored to be in community with each of you.

In hope and en solidaridad,

Ellie Rodriguez


Join Denver DSA today

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