Blue Wave America: Texas Turnout Operation

Our Democrat Colin Allred is TIED with far‑right Republican Ted Cruz!!!

Virtual tie in Texas! Allred: 44% / Cruz: 44%

Please chip in right now to help elect Democrats and flip key states like Texas blue! >>


→ Republicans know how close we are to finally flipping the Lone Star state blue.

→ So they’re spending HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of $$$ to install McConnell back as Senate majority leader.

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell

Because if Colin Allred wins…

Reproductive rights in Texas can be SAVED;
Voting rights will be PROTECTED;
And Democrats will have the momentum to STOP TRUMP this November!

So we need to hit our fundraising deadline by midnight tonight to keep up our momentum and help elect Democrats like Allred who will flip Texas blue!

Rush $25 or whatever you can before midnight to help elect Democrats, SAVE our Senate majority and BOOT far‑right Senators like Ted Cruz >>

Rush $5 >>
Rush $25 >>
Rush $50 >>
Rush $100 >>
Rush $250 >>
Rush any amount >>

Let’s keep up the momentum!

Blue Wave America

Thank you for supporting Blue Wave America, Friend. Together, we are fighting to elect Democrats nationwide - in every state, in every district, in every city!

Contribute now to elect Democrats

Contribute now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →

After Democrats historic victories in 2020 and 2022, we know that there’s no such thing as a red district or a red county.

To save and expand our Congressional majorities, Democrats in red districts need to be shown that their vote counts!

That’s why we’re using our expert staff or organizers to invest in flipping rural seats blue. Our cutting-edge programs work to turn out Democrats and build on the progressive agenda we've fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to chip in to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

Contribute now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →