I just found out this morning: The Koch brothers’ group Americans for Prosperity just sent out mailers against me across the entire district to try to stop us from winning this critical House seat.


I just found out this morning: The Koch brothers’ group Americans for Prosperity just sent out mailers against me across the entire district to try to stop us from winning this critical House seat.

In 2022, I lost to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes. It was the closest race in the entire country.

The only reason Boebert is still a congresswoman is because we got out-spent – plain and simple. And the Kochs aren’t going to be the only ones dumping money against me.

This will be one of the most important – and most expensive – races in the country. If we’re going to win this House seat, we cannot let these mailers go unanswered.

We’ve set a rapid-response goal of raising another $12,500 in order to fight back against the dark money flooding our district, but I’m not taking money from corporate PACs. The only way we’ll be able to hit our goal and win this House seat is if grassroots donors like you give right now:

Please, will you rush $5 or more right now to my campaign – no amount is too small to make a difference – to help us fight back against the Koch brothers’ money and win this critical House seat?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We came just 546 votes short of winning in 2022. Our entire team is working harder than ever to make sure we don’t wake up the morning after Election Day wishing we’d done more.

Thank you for everything you do.

With gratitude -