Cynthia Lummis - Senator for Wyoming

Wyoming Energy Producers Know How to Fix Our Economy,

President Biden Does Not 

President Joe Biden’s relentless Green New Deal inspired regulatory agenda has caused gas prices to increase more than 50% since he entered office.

Aside from reckless spending, soaring energy costs have been one of the biggest contributing factors to inflation. In turn, this administration’s assault on American energy has set off a disastrous chain reaction, driving up transportation costs and driving up costs for consumer goods across the board. 

Despite a clear correlation between this administration’s paralyzing domestic energy regulations and soaring costs of consumer goods across the country, the Biden administration continues to ignore its own self-inflicted economic crisis in order to score political points with radical environmentalists, and the people of Wyoming are literally paying for it. 

The Bureau of Land Management’s latest roll out included a new Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process rule that will significantly increase the cost of producing energy on federal lands which threatens to deliver a near fatal blow to Wyoming’s economy. This would price many of our small energy producers out and devastate this critical cornerstone of Wyoming’s infrastructure, given that nearly half of Wyoming is made up of federal lands. The rule increases royalties, rates, minimum bids and costs for oil and gas producers on federal lands. 

Specifically, the new rule increases the minimum lease bond amount to $150,000 per well (previously $10,000), the minimum statewide bond to $500,000 (previously $25,000) and it eliminates nationwide bonds (previously $150,000).

In the coming weeks, I plan to work with my colleagues to overturn this disastrous rule and help producers in Wyoming and throughout the west that are already drowning in the tsunami of regulations and fees that have been thrown at them by the Biden administration.

While another fee on domestic producers will increase the cost of operating and push some out of business, it will not change the need for energy in this country. 

When it is more expensive to produce energy domestically, the Biden administration throws caution to the wind, seeking energy from our adversaries like Russia and Iran over the perfectly capable domestic producers it sidelined at the expense of our national security. 

We simply cannot continue to sit by and watch this administration punish the west while Wyoming families pay more at the pump. I am committed to fighting President Biden’s Green New Deal madness and clearing the way for Wyoming producers to restore our nation’s energy dominance. 

Happy Trails,


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Senator Lummis' Week in Pictures

Great catching up with visitors from Wyoming this week!




I was honored to receive the National Association of Clean Water Agencies’ 2024 National Environmental Achievement Award for my work pushing back against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) onerous Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, or PFAS, regulations. 

We can have clean water without punishing Wyoming ranchers and small businesses who unknowingly have runoff on their land. I will continue to fight the EPA and advocate for a polluter pays model that delivers clean water without crushing hardworking people.

I welcomed Northern Ag Network’s Andy Schwab to Washington where we sat down for an interview in my office to discuss the urgent need for Congress to pass a Farm Bill and how the Bureau of Land Management’s addition of conservation as a use will be a disaster for Wyoming.

Legislative Actions 

From ranchers driving their tractor across their property to truckers traversing I-80, AM radio brings entertainment to people throughout the Cowboy State. In many corners of Wyoming, it is the only window to the outside world for news, sports and emergency alerts.

I joined U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in cosponsoring the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act which seeks to direct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to require automakers to maintain AM broadcast radio in their new vehicles at no additional charge. The legislation is supported by a bipartisan coalition of 60 Senators and 246 members in the House of Representatives. I look forward to the Senate taking up this bill and safeguarding the people of Wyoming’s access to life-saving information. 

Working for Wyoming

The Second Amendment is written very clearly – “Shall not be infringed.” And yet, the Biden administration has done everything in its power to erode and eliminate the right of law-abiding citizens in Wyoming to keep and bear arms, including a recent Department of Commerce Rule that severely restricts exports of firearms and ammunition. 

The rule is an attempt to effectively extend the current pause permanently on export licenses and will rescind approximately 2,000 active licenses for certain firearms. Wyoming firearm and ammunition manufacturers have every right to export their products just as every business in this country does.

This week, I joined Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) in announcing our plan to introduce a Congressional Review Act to overturn this blatant assault on the Second Amendment. This politically motivated export restriction is wrong, and I am proud to protect the Second Amendment.

Grant Information

Drive through any town in Wyoming and it is clear - economic prosperity and job creation is spurred by small businesses not big government. During Small Business Week, we celebrate the innovators and risk takers who power our towns and propel our country forward. 

The Department of Commerce has announced $54 million in funding opportunities for small businesses. The grant funding is specifically geared toward research projects for critically needed measurement services, tools and instrumentation to help secure U.S. leadership in the global semiconductor industry.

To learn more about the program and to see if your business qualifies, click here

Wyoming Shoutout

Niobrara might be the smallest county in Wyoming, but that does not stop them from making a big impact on the national stage.  

Niobrara County High School is sending the largest team that Future Business Leaders of America has ever had for nationals.  

An unprecedented 23 students will be attending the competition held in Orlando, Florida from June 25th to July 3rd. 

Congratulations to Sarah Krein, Charlie Gaukel, Connor Luker, Ridge Kupke, Kort Bannan, Gabe Matthews, Jackson Smith, Corbin Matthews, Brady Swisher, Cody Himes, Raynce Brott, Hattie Nelson, Enrique Maez, Ryan Youngquist, Marleigh Smith, Phoebe Allbright, Brittin Bruch, Hudson Leimser, Kayden Goodwin, Aubrey Manning, Samantha Kelsay and Kyra Willey.

Great job team!

Photo courtesy of the Lusk Herald.

1285 Sheridan Avenue
Suite 215
Cody, WY 82414
Phone: 307-527-9444
120 North 4th Street (769)
P.O. Box 769
Sundance, WY 82729
Phone: 307-283-3461
Federal Center
2120 Capitol Avenue, Suite 2007
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Phone: 307-772-2477
Star Valley
80 lst Street, Suite 105
P.O. Box 1630
Afton, WY 83110
Phone: 307-248-1736
Dick Cheney Federal Bldg.
100 East B Street, Suite 3201
PO Box 33201
Casper, WY 82601
Phone: 307-261-6572
Washington, DC
Russell Senate
Office Building
Room SR 127A
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3424