Jim Jordan is taking his political circus on the road – conveniently using his power as Chair of the House Judiciary Committee to host bogus hearings purely as an excuse to harp on extremist Republicans’ favorite campaign lies and theories – including today in Philadelphia.

This blatant abuse of power has to stop. We must hold him accountable for using his power for political stunts.

Tell Jim Jordan to stop abusing his power and making a mockery of his role as Chair of the House Judiciary Committee.
If Jim Jordan cared about public safety as much as he claims to now, he would do something about guns and violent crime in his own state of Ohio and across the country. Yet, Jordan consistently opposes even the most obvious ways to keep us safe.

He's doing a lot of complaining about the crime in Philadelphia and other major cities but won't support any actual efforts to increase public safety, like passing national gun reform legislation.

Jordan and his latest political stunt are a joke.

He's abusing his power as Judiciary Committee chairman and wasting time and taxpayer dollars to hold phony hearings as part of some ridiculous agenda to defend Trump.

We need to take back the House and put an end to this madness. Add your name now to call out Jordan’s abuse of power.




As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler has oversight over some of the most important issues facing America. As a strong progressive, Jerry believes in justice for all and a democracy that represents people, not special interests. He is proud to fight for his New York City constituents in Congress. Click here to chip in and help Jerry keep fighting for a democracy that lives up to its ideals.


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