Fellow American, Yes. I received a death threat from Beijing because I love Liberty, Freed
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Fellow American,

Lilly Yes. I received a death threat from Beijing because I love Liberty, Freedom, and the United States of America. More on that in a minute.

Right now, I want to introduce myself.

My name is Lily Tang Williams, and I fled Communist China and escaped the evil Communist indoctrination. I'm running for Congress because I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left.

You see: I was born to illiterate working-class parents in China's western Sichuan province just before Mao's Cultural Revolution. I grew up in extremely poor living conditions with food rationing, social chaos, and indoctrination into Communism.

At a young age, I learned a hard lesson about surviving in a Communist regime: conform and keep your thoughts private. Do not trust anyone, even your friends.

Everything changed when an American exchange student showed me a pocket-sized version of "The Declaration of Independence." Even with my limited English skills, I could understand most of these words: "We hold these truths to be self–evident…." It's like a lightbulb came on. I had never heard such beautiful words before, and I loved them so much that I spent many hours with my American friend to learn more about these new concepts and America.

I had a new dream: I wanted to go to America.

In 1988, I made it to America with only $100 in my pocket, which I borrowed, along with a $1,200 loan from my sponsor. I spoke very little English. In the 33 years since I have enjoyed living in this great country. I received a graduate degree, got married, raised three children, started my own business, and was naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1995.

Fast forward to today: I've spoken out against Communism and Socialism appearing on Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox Business, Newsmax, Timcast, Huckabee TV, John Stossel, Joe Pags Show, Gothix TV, Shawn Ryan Show, Epoch Times TV, and Glenn Beck Radio.

I've authored opinion articles for The Epoch Times, Town Hall, National Review, Union Leader, Concord Monitor, and Granite Grok.

And here's where the death threats from Beijing started: when I decided to run for Congress.

The Democrats don't want my story to reach the ears of my fellow Americans because they hope to enact their Socialist Agenda.

But more importantly, you and I cannot afford to let the woke liberal elite plunge the America we know and love any further down the dark path of Communism and trample on our God-given rights.

Please, will you stand with me and make a special donation of $25, $50, or $100 to stand with me?

Believe me. I'm not fear-mongering when I say you cannot imagine the horrors of Socialism and Communism. It is evil.

That's why I need you to stand with me and preserve the freedoms and values of our American heritage.

For freedom,
Lily Tang Williams

P.S. Even if all you can afford is $5 — I will use every penny wisely in my campaign to defeat my liberal opponent who has been a rubber stamp for Biden's America-Last agenda. We can win this together.

I fear that the country I love is becoming like the country I left. That's why I am running for Congress.

It's time for the majority to speak up and defend our country from the radical left and keep the American Dream alive for our children.

Paid for by Lily4Congress Committee

Lily4Congress Committee
PO Box 406
Weare, NH 03281

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