Plus: Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Suffers More Setbacks as Another Witness Deflates His Narrative—and the Media’s
May 3 2024
EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Leaders Call on DOJ’s Kristen Clarke to Resign Following Daily Signal Report
By Mary Margaret Olohan

“The American people have lost trust in your ability to lead the Civil Rights Division,” reads the letter signed by leaders of conservative organizations to Kristen Clarke.
Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Suffers More Setbacks as Another Witness Deflates His Narrative—and the Media’s
By Katelynn Richardson

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case suffered more setbacks Thursday as the prosecution’s sixth witness wrapped up his testimony with significant hits to his credibility.
Ukraine Has ‘Significant’ Human Rights Abuse Issues, State Department Reports
By Terence Jeffrey

The State Department’s 2023 report on human rights cites both the Russian military, which has invaded Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government itself for human rights abuse.
Election Loss for South Korea’s Ruling Party Unlikely to Affect Pro-US Security Policies
By Bruce Klingner

South Korea’s liberal opposition parties scored a decisive victory in the recent National Assembly elections, routing the ruling conservative party of President Yoon Suk Yeol.
Diverse Faith Groups Rally in Support of Bearded Atlantic City Fire Department Staffer
By Becky Dummermuth

Alex Smith should be allowed to continue to serve his community as an air mask technician while enjoying the religious freedom the law guarantees.
ICYMI: CNN Accused of ‘Propaganda’ for ‘Spinning’ Bombshell DOJ Story About Kristen Clarke
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Critics slam a CNN report on the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division head, Kristen Clarke, as a form of “propaganda” and “journalistic malpractice.”

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