
Friday File

A Weekly Publication

Kansas Legislature Adjourns Without Tax Cuts, Special Session Looms

The legislative session ended in the early hours of Wednesday morning after a significant tax cut package was pushed forward. However, Governor Laura Kelly, playing politics with complete disregard for the taxpayer, remains adamant about vetoing the plan and intends to summon legislators back to Topeka for a special session.

Senate Bill 37 sailed through the House with a vote of 108-11 and the Senate with a vote of 25-9 on the final day of the session. This comprehensive package included reductions in income taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes, representing a bipartisan effort to satisfy members of both parties across both chambers as well as the governor.

Despite the collaborative effort in an election year, the prospect of substantive tax cuts seems bleak.

The scope of a special session wouldn't be limited solely to tax cuts. Lawmakers could potentially address other legislative matters, such as a recent unsuccessful proposal aimed at bolstering a government subsidy program in a bid to lure the Kansas City Chiefs to relocate to Kansas.

Three Senate Republicans joined Democrats in upholding Gov. Laura Kelly's veto of a substantial tax cut package, citing concerns over income tax restructuring and the state's fiscal health. The 26-14 override attempt failed by one vote, as two-thirds of the 40-member chamber are required to override a veto.

The bill, House Bill 2036, contains several bipartisan measures, such as eliminating sales tax on food, exempting Social Security from income taxes, and adjusting standard deductions. However, the focal point is the alteration to the state's three-tier income tax system, which includes lowering rates for the top and middle brackets and adjusting the lowest bracket.

Senator Rob Olson voiced concerns that lower-income earners would bear the brunt of the tax cuts while the wealthy benefited. Gov. Kelly proposed an alternative plan, warning of financial repercussions and pledging a special session if her version of “tax relief” wasn't provided.

Despite passing the House with overwhelming support, the bill faced strong opposition from Kelly and some senators.

Senator Caryn Tyson rightfully argued for the tax cuts, envisioning prosperity for the state and relief for the taxpayers in a clear vision of her tax plan.

Olson, along with Senators Dennis Pyle and John Doll, recklessly sided with Democrats to return the bill for further review.

Pyle believes he can find a better tax plan but does not indicate what that would be or how he would get it passed. He echoed the governor's promise of an expensive special session, which could have been completely avoided if Pyle had simply voted to give hardworking Kansans the tax break they need in this “Let’s Go Brandon” economy that was foisted upon us by Laura Kelly and Joe Biden.

Not voting to pass the tax plan due to petty arguments or grinding old axes is a political and moral failure. Republicans stand for lower taxes, smaller government, and more freedom. It isn’t conservative to be against everything nor to make good and great into mortal enemies at every turn.

Elections have consequences. Unfortunately, some just can’t seem to grasp that concept. And now all Kansans will pay the price.

Special Meeting Notice


State Committee

Official Notice

The Kansas Republican Party State Committee members are hereby notified of a KSGOP Special Meeting to elect Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates and Alternate Delegates for the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee from July 15-18, 2024

The self-nomination deadline has now passed.

The meeting details are as follows:

KSGOP State Committee Virtual Special Meeting

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Virtual Platform Details and invitations with instructions will be provided.

~ Credentialing will occur before the meeting.

No proxies allowed.

~ 2 pm Election

NOTE: Immediately following the election of Delegates and Alternate Delegates, all call attendees, except the newly elected, will be disconnected from the call, and we will move immediately to discussion and elections of a man and woman to serve on each of the four RNC Convention Committees: Rules / Platform / Credentialing / Permanent Organization.

No proxies allowed.


1. This will be a professionally run meeting.

2. Per RNC Rules, no other business may or shall be conducted at this meeting. There will be no consideration or discussion of any rules, platform, agenda, or budget during this meeting.

3. The meeting will be convened promptly at 2 pm, and we will move immediately to voting for Delegates. After all delegate elections are complete, we will immediately move to alternate delegate elections.

4. A practice virtual session for interested folks will be conducted one evening of the week before the official meeting. The meeting date, time, and log-on instructions will be provided soon. The purpose of this meeting will be for those who may be less familiar with virtual meeting platforms to have the chance to go through the process. We want and need everyone to be an included part of this process, so please join the “test drive” and be sure you are ready to go!

5. There is no in-person meeting component of this meeting.

6. Per the rules, this meeting shall be the only official meeting for the purpose of Electing KSGOP Presidential Delegates and Alternates Delegates. No other meetings or “elections” shall be deemed valid by KSGOP or the RNC.

7. Each voter will have a unique security code they will be assigned upon completion of credentialing. Each vote will require entering this code and must be entered to vote.


A couple may use one device (phone, tablet, laptop computer, or desktop computer) and may each vote individually, each using their own unique access code! Election Integrity is a huge priority to me, and we have a great secure system lined up for this process. I will always oppose any local, county, state, and federal elections being held online virtually as we don't know who the sizeable public voting base is amd cannot guarantee a secure process, however in a small inner-party election like this one, the voting base is small, finite, verified, and then further protected with a password/passcode. This election will be easy to attend, hard to cheat - and it is secure.

8. This process is a part of American history. It is an honor to be a part of the process at any level.

9. By serving as a delegate or alternate delegate, you will become a unique part of the American Experience. This is to be a fun exercise in American history, so don't let anyone suck the joy out of this for you!

10. Kansas is Trump Country!

Stay tuned. More information coming soon!

A Temporary Tax, Like A Temporary Gov’t Program,

Is Always Permanent

In the aftermath of the Civil War, the financial strain on the nation was immense. President Abraham Lincoln's decision to implement the nation's first income tax in 1862 wasn't merely a fiscal measure but a response to the urgent needs of a divided country.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, established through this measure, marked a pivotal moment in American taxation history. Despite its necessity, the tax faced significant backlash from the public.

Recognizing the burden it placed on citizens, Congress took steps to alleviate the tax burden by reducing rates in 1867.

However, it wasn't until 1872 that the income tax was completely repealed, reflecting the evolving economic landscape and shifting political sentiments of the time.

Lincoln's bold action underscored the challenges and complexities of financing a nation torn apart by war while navigating the delicate balance between fiscal responsibility and public opinion.

Universities Erupt,

Antisemitism Explodes,

Democrats Do Nothing

Focus Now on Universities as Radicalization Epicenters

Antisemitism isn't merely a sporadic issue; it's deeply entrenched and systematically nurtured within university campuses and has been for decades. What's more alarming is not just the prevalence of this hate, but the realization that other dangerous ideologies may have been instilled alongside it, lurking beneath the surface.

A thorough examination of all universities funding streams is now underway. I predict we are all about to learn that foreign governments, many of whom are designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism, will be exposed as major funding sources. If accurate, this activity may well be illegal which must be prosecuted, but at a minimum it is a betrayal of confidence and trust by the participating universities. The fact is, the betrayal and the coverup may not only be a crime but the very American higher educational institutions we have trusted to finish the education of our children may have in fact sold out to radicalism and terrorism, and didn't mention or disclose it.

Please stop for just a minute and read that again: “the very American higher educational institutions we have trusted to finish the education of our children may have in fact sold out to radicalism and terrorism, and didn't mention or disclose it.

Universities have intentionally become breeding grounds for hate, shaping the minds of countless young individuals who now carry these toxic beliefs into society. The recent congressional hearings showcased a shocking reluctance from Ivy League leaders to condemn antisemitism unequivocally. It's a chilling reminder of the normalization of hate within academic circles.

The mishandling of protests at Columbia University has only exacerbated the problem, allowing this contagion to spread rapidly across campuses nationwide. From coast to coast, universities are grappling with the fallout of this unchecked hostility.

It's imperative that we confront this issue head-on and acknowledge the role universities have played in perpetuating antisemitism. Failure to do so only perpetuates hatred. And the institutions we support with our money should always be America First and accountable and transparent to us at all times. Anything less should be more than enough reason to freeze all funding. Taxpayers' funded operations should never work or plot against an America First policy or against our founding principles.

KSGOP Prepared to Fully Support Republicans in 2024

With the 2024 election just around the corner, I would like to take a moment to let you know about what the KSGOP is offering to candidates and volunteers, from precinct committee person to US Congress.

First is our data and volunteer platform Numinar.

Campaigns around Kansas are knocking doors, sending text messages, making calls, polling, and accessing voter data through this innovative software. If you’re a data junky like myself, the AI mapping of poll results across your whole dataset is one of the coolest ways I’ve seen AI used in politics. For example, I can ask 300 people in Miami County how they feel about lowering property taxes, and then Numinar can predict how other voters in Miami County will feel about lowering property taxes.

After working with various data platforms in the campaign realm, Numinar is by far the best I’ve ever used. Don’t just take my word for it, CampaignTech awarded Numinar best Software in 2023.

The best part for candidates and volunteer across Kansas is that the KSGOP offers Numinar to all candidates and volunteers for free, if you need help getting started, reach out to me at [email protected].

As Executive Director, I’m happy to travel the state, talk about campaigns and elections, and offer trainings. If your group would like me to come speak, let me know. I have worked on various campaigns through the years and am happy to help elect Republicans in your area.

KSGOP is also offering Non-Profit Mail to Republicans across Kansas. This allows campaigns to use our indicia – saving big money on postage. KSGOP has utilized this lower mail rate and text messaging, door knocking, and calling through Numinar to help Republicans win, leading to nearly 80% of Republicans winning in the last local election. While those numbers are great, we need your help to make them even better!

Please sign up to volunteer at or make a small donation today so that we can send texts and mailers across Kansas. After all, you are the reason we are able to win elections – the KSGOP grassroots is the second to none!

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email!

It’s an honor to serve as your KSGOP Executive Director,

Dakotah Parshall

Kansas: Making America Great Again from the

Heart of America

Are you ready to take back our country?

Are you looking to make a difference not only in Kansas, but across America helping President Trump become the 47th President of the United States?

Volunteer for Trump 2024 NOW!


to join our team, earn Trump Gear, and win!

“Together, we will Make America Great Again”

~Donald J. Trump

Kansas Presidential Delegate Selection Process Explained

The process by which the Republican Party elects leaders, both within the party frame work and to represent our state on a national level is one established by rules.

Last year the state committee, at our meeting on September 3oth in Paola, passed rules that now govern the KSGOP’s process of electing Delegates and Alternates who will represent Kansas at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, WI July 14-19.

The Republican National Committee established rules prior to the beginning of the 2024 Presidential cycle that determines the number of delegates and alternates. If states do not follow the rules and deadlines established by the RNC, it is possible to be penalized and lose delegates. As the KSGOP’s rules were submitted to the RNC per their rules and approved by the RNC, Kansas was awarded the maximum number of delegates and alternates available to our State Party.

Kansas has a total of 39 delegates and 36 alternates for the Convention. Three of the delegates are automatically awarded to the State Chair, National Committeewoman, and National Committeeman per RNC rules. These 3 delegates cannot be replaced by an alternate if they are not present on the floor of the convention. The remaining 36 delegates and alternates are divided equally between the four Congressional Districts.

Each of the 4 Districts are currently holding district meetings to elect 3 District Delegates and 3 District Alternates. After the 4 Districts have completed their meetings, the KSGOP State Committee members will meet to elect an additional 6 At-large Delegates and 6 At-large Alternates per District. At the conclusion of the State Meeting there will be a total of 9 Delegates and 9 Alternates from each Congressional District (totaling 36 each) to represent Kansas at the RNC Convention.

Even though there are District and At-large delegates and alternates, once they are elected, there is no distinction or difference made between the type of delegate or alternate. The only differences between delegates and alternates at the convention will be their seat assignment within the FiServ Forum during convention proceedings and the ability to cast a vote. All activities the KSGOP plans to participate in while in Milwaukee will include all delegates, alternates, and guests.

Included in the approved rules submitted by the KSGOP to the RNC, is the option for any recognized Republican presidential campaign to request the opportunity to present their slate of delegates and alternates at the Congressional District meetings and the State Committee meeting. The ability to present the slate in total for a simple yes/no vote must be approved by a majority of the following: KSGOP Chair and Vice Chair, District Chair and Vice Chair, National Committeeman and National Committeewoman for each district.

The Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign has requested the opportunity to present slates to both District meetings for district positions and the State Committee meeting for the At-large positions.

Sharice Davids Votes Against Protecting Your Family

Sharice Davids, KS CD-3, twice voted “no” on the impeachment of failed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Leading up to and following the first impeachment vote, House Speaker Mike Johnson declined to vote on a bill sent by the U.S. Senate for military aid to Ukraine, citing the absence of provisions for U.S. border security. The political maneuvering forced a bright light on the importance of the U.S./Mexico border and drew criticism from Democratic representative Davids, who accused politicians of playing games.

With Republicans eyeing the upcoming elections, the focus on border issues will intensify. A decrease in illegal crossings this January has been noted due to Texas Governor Abbott blocking the border in that state with the help of many other states from across the Union. Assistance of Kansas National Guard on this important matter did not come from Kansas as ultra-liberal and divisive Kansas Governor Laura Kelly ignored the majority of Kansans and sat silent taking no action whatsoever.

The impeachment, based on allegations of incompetence, passed narrowly. Senate support for conviction remains uncertain but Kansans encourage their U.S. Senators to support the impeachment of Mayorkas.

Border security consistently ranks high on the overall concerns of Kansans and Americans. U.S. Border Security must be a priority shown by our elected officials to maintain the support of Kansas Republicans.

In Kansas' 3rd Congressional District, immigration and border security are of critical importance and related issues resonate across political divides. As the campaign unfolds, the border debate will intersect with broader political narratives, shaping the electoral landscape in Kansas CD-3 and beyond.

Republicans in CD-3 are encouraged to look into their current member of Congress’s voting record and discover for themselves that we have our very own Nancy Pelosi - right here in Kansas.

Numinar Data Analytics

World-Class Platform

Offered Free to Kansas Republican Candidates

and Campaigns

The Kansas Republican Party has partnered with the amazing folks at Numinar to - again - provide access to the Numinar Data Analytics Platform at no cost to registered Kansas Republicans who simply ask for access.

Numinar is the most powerful and reliable data management system on the market and Numinar has access to the RNC Data Trust information. Others do not, so make sure you ask!

Don't pay for something inferior when you can get the best for free! Compare and you will see this is a SUPERIOR value in terms of quality at the low, low price of FREE!

Yes, it is FREE… so don't pay a political consultant for some other inferior product that costs a fortune!

Email your request for access to Dakotah Parshall at [email protected] and take it for a test drive! You’ll thank the KSGOP later.

The importance of the 2024 elections in Kansas cannot be overstated.

We must register every eligible voter, convince them to vote Republican, and make sure they get to the polls to get Kansas Republican candidates across the finish line and to get a Republican in the White House!

Please join me in sharing this information with your friends, family, neighbors, and folks at church.

Right now is the time to win the November elections!

Let’s roll.

Sign the

KSGOP Petition

Tell Ultra-Liberal

Kansas Governor

Laura Kelly

to support Texas

and Secure Our

Southern Border

Sign the petition now!


Send a strong and bold message to ultra-liberal Kansas Governor Laura Kelly to support Texas’ efforts to secure our southern border.

Kansas should be supporting the state of Texas’ efforts to secure our southern border since Joe Biden & Company have abdicated their constitutional responsibility.

There is nothing controversial about securing and defending our border, but Laura Kelly continues doddering instead of engaging as most Kansans’ would prefer.

Every State

is a

Border State

Laura Kelly claims to be “middle of the road,” but that statement doesn't apply to “middle of the border”.

Governor Kelly’s silence on this issue is both stunning and shameful.

So why is ultra-liberal Kansas Governor Kelly so quiet?

That's an excellent question.

Tell her to get busy Saving America right now.

Sign the petition now!


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For just $17.76 per month, you become a “1776’er” and joining the 1776 Club puts you in the elite “Card-Carrying Kansas Republican Patriot” category with over 200 of your fellow Republican supporters of the KSGOP.

This is a powerful and easy way to take a stand against tyranny, socialism, and wokeism.

And we all know America needs more of this Patriotism!

Patriots believe in lower taxes, smaller government, and more freedom.

We also believe in faith, family, and freedom.

And we know we have a country and state to save!

Make your stand today and join us in our mission to save America and to be part of a brighter future for our kids and grandchildren.

Join the 1776 Club CLICK HERE

In Case You Forgot

Classified documents were found...

At the Penn Biden Center?

"That's correct."

In President Biden's garage?


And in his basement den?


And his main floor office?


And his third floor den?


At the University of Delaware?


And at the Biden Institute?


Was Biden, at any time, authorized to take classified documents?


This is a weekly reminder that Joe Biden, President of the United States, and his son, Hunter Biden, are liars and kingpins in a crime syndicate ring.

The Biden family has betrayed America, committing the crime of treason.

They must be held accountable.

Impeach Biden Now


Americans overwhelmingly believe Joe Biden has failed as the President of the United States, is too old, and is mentally incapable of serving again.

Joe Biden has failed on many topics over the last 3+

years, and here are just a few of those failures;

Botched Afghanistan withdrawal plunging that country into Sharia Law and women of all ages into a miserable existence.

Where are womens rights groups on this?

America instantly surrendered energy independence for energy dependence simply because Joe Biden was grinding an ax.

Where are the big labor unions on this?

Inflation has skyrocketed and Biden thinks Americans are stupid and don't see and feel it.

Where is YOUR voice promoting Republican principles and decrying this disastrous Administration?





Photo of Abraham Lincoln

by Alexander Gardner

November 8, 1863

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

Saturday, March 4, 1865


May 2

National Day of Prayer

May 12

Mother’s Day

May 18

National Armed Forces Day

May 19


For the Specific Purpose of



May 22

Kaw Valley Young Republicans

May 27

Memorial Day

June 3

12 noon

Candidate Filing Deadline

June 6


June 14

Flag Day

Juneteenth National

Freedom Day

June 16

Father’s Day

July 4

USA Independence Day

July 16

Deadline to register to vote

or update your voter registration

information to participate in the

2024 primary election.

July 17

First day of advance voting.

Advance ballots by mail sent.

In-person advance voting may begin.

Note: Check with your county election

officer for specific times and locations.

July 30

Last day to apply for an advance

voting mail ballot.

August 5

In-person advance voting ends

at 12:00 p.m.

August 6


All advance ballots by mail must

be postmarked by Election Day and

received by Friday, August 9, 2024.

October 15

Deadline to register to vote or

update your voter registration

information to participate

in the 2024 general election.

October 16

First day of advance voting.

Advance ballots by mail are transmitted.

In-person advance voting may begin.

Check with your county election officer

for specific times and locations.

October 29

Last day to apply for an advance

voting mail ballot.

November 3

Daylight Savings Time Ends

November 4

In-person advance voting ends

at 12:00 p.m.

November 5


November 28

Thanksgiving Day

December 24

Christmas Eve

December 25

Christmas Day

December 31

New Years Eve

Standing Meetings

Anderson County Republican Party

Last Thursday of every month

6 p.m.

Garnett Pizza Hut

405 N. Maple

Garnett, KS

“Together, we will lead the Republican party back to the White House and we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity and peace.”

~ Donald Trump

45th President of the United States


The Friday File Newsletter is published weekly

and has a circulation of nearly 30,000.

NOTE: If The Friday File was forwarded to you,

please do not click “unsubscribe”. To do so

only unsubscribes whoever was nice

enough to forward it to you!

The Friday File content is the property of the publisher. All rights reserved.

Paid for by the Kansas Republican Party, Inc.

Mike Brown, Chairman

Alan Townsend, Treasurer

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