Instead of focusing on the issues, my Democrat opponent has decided to concentrate on deceiving NY-19’s voters and covering up his checkered resumé and business associates.

Fellow Conservative,

Instead of focusing on the issues, my Democrat opponent has decided to concentrate on deceiving NY-19’s voters and covering up his checkered resumé and business associates.

We’re in one of the most contested races in the country. A fight in which just a handful of votes could determine the outcome of this election AND the entire House Majority. That’s why we must take these lies head-on before it’s too late.

Before I ask for your help to expose Josh Riley’s deception campaign to the American people, I’m going to lay out the unbiased facts:
  • Riley is a D.C. millionaire who collected over $800,000 in donations from his D.C. law firms.
  • The Albany Times reported that Riley took a $30,000 illegal salary from a shadowy D.C. group and still hasn’t returned the money.
  • He worked as a fixer for the same firm that was paid by Harvey Weinstein to harass and silence women Weinstein sexually abused and raped.
Fellow Conservative, these are the facts about Josh Riley. I know the voters of NY-19, and these are not their values. They’re the reasons every Democrat megadonor in the Country is rushing millions to distract voters from his questionable past.


That’s why I’m coming to you today asking for your help to expose Josh Riley and get the truth to the voters who will significantly impact the election outcome in November.

Your donation, regardless of size, will go a long way in our fight for the truth. Please take a stand for truth and accountability by donating to our campaign for honest conservative leadership.

Thank you and God bless,

Marc Molinaro


Paid for by Marc for US

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