Fellow Conservative,

60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Inflation continues to rise, and more Americans are feeling the pain in their pocketbook.

Yet Biden’s Department of Education new proposal doubles down and puts even MORE of a burden on hard working Americans. The rapidly growing national debt lowers the value of your dollar, making you pay more for less. Biden’s latest scheme would transfer $150 billion in student loans from the borrower and onto taxpayers, further increasing the debt and worsening inflation.

This means those student loans will be paid for by ALL Americans, including those who never went to college, already paid off their debt, or worked through college to graduate with minimal to no debt. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

>>>Stop the Bailout HERE<<<

Student Loan Bailout Square 600pxls.jpg

The administration needs to know that the American public DOES NOT SUPPORT Biden’s student loan bailout.

>>>Make your voice heard HERE and submit a comment.

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Thank you for speaking up.


Janae Stracke
Vice President of Outreach and Advocacy
Heritage Action for America
